Friday, February 18, 2005

Jon Stewart

Holy crap! So I just found out that my favorite [current] comedian, Jon Stewart, played Kevin Gerrity in the Adam Sandler feature film Big Daddy.

Some short-lived shows in which Jon Stewarted hosted at one time or another:
Short Attention Span Theater 1989 (Also featured Marc Maron of AAR)
You Wrote It, You Watch It (1992 MTV)
The Jon Stewart Show (1993 MTV)

Over on the trivia section at IMDB:
Stewart is just hitting his stride at the age of 38--it's amazing that it has taken this long for people to embrace his sarcastic, sardonic, and incisive sense of humor.[...]

On September 24, 2004, the online "Campaign Desk: Critique and analysis of 2004 campaign coverage from Columbia Journalism Review" published what they called "A Campaign Desk Honor Roll, of Sorts," offering "a short list of reporters who consistently rise above the superficial to do original and often insightful work". #4 on the list of 20 journalists was Jon Stewart and The Daily Show (1996) on Comedy Central - coming in ahead of many writers for The New York Times, the Washington Post, and other highly rated periodicals and newspapers.
Why didn't he get popular earlier?

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