Friday, March 04, 2005

Final Regular Update

...until I get back from Spring break. I'm at dial up at home which makes things harder so posting will be sporadic between now and March 14th.

Great article on late night shows. Excerpts:
Jon Stewart, who had supported John Kerry for president, seemed in shock after the election, and his timing was off. It seemed more depressing than funny, though the show finally seems to be hitting its stride again (though something still needs to be done about those deadly taped "real people" segments).

With viewers fleeing traditional newscasts and CBS honcho Les Moonves saying someone like Stewart could play a role on a revamped, post-Dan Rather network news broadcast, it's a safe bet that comedy and politics will stay as close as Scotch and soda. Real Time With Bill Maher makes the combination seem like a pretty good party -- no matter which side of the aisle you're on.
Alan Greenspan turns 79 on Sunday...Evan Bayh will be the keynote speaker at the Colorado Democratic Party's Jefferson Jackson Day dinner on Saturday evening in Denver, Colorado.

With that, peace out until I update next.

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