Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I did what?

As expected, I had to wait til this morning to watch The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and I woke up after the opening monologue! I better be interning somewhere this summer or hope that Jon goes on hiatus for more than a few weeks...

This won't fly well with the anti-Lieberman crowd.
Mark Rotenberg, the chief lawyer at the University of Minnesota, planted the seeds of a U.S. Senate campaign by forming an exploratory committee.

He is the third Democrat to file papers, although none have said they are running for sure for the seat being vacated by Sen. Mark Dayton in 2006. Rotenberg said in a news release Monday that he'll take several weeks to make that decision.
I still support Buck Humphrey.

Minimum wage stays the same for now. I would prefer the Kennedy amendment that raised it to $7.25 and KEPT THE 40 HOUR WORK WEEK)!
The Republican amendment to increase the minimum wage by $1.10 over 18 months was defeated 61-38. The Democrats’ proposal for a $2.10 increase over 26 months was defeated 49-46. Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., voted for the $6.25 rate; Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Ind., voted for the $7.25 rate.

The amendments were part of the debate on a bill to revamp bankruptcy laws.

"If you work 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, you should not have to live in poverty," said Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., author of the Democratic proposal.

A person who is paid the minimum wage, works 40 hours a week and takes no time off will earn $10,712 a year. The federal poverty level for one person is $9,570. For a two-person household – a parent and a child, for instance – the poverty line is $12,830.
It's another reason why Rick Santorum must be defeated!

Go get 'em, Jonathan!
As part of today's budget vote, they plan to not only take back the $13.7 million but also remove the program from the oversight of state Treasurer Jonathan Miller.[...]

"This fight is not over," Miller said Monday. "Once legislators - and perhaps the courts - see this budget, I am sure they will be outraged as well."
The fight is only beginning. The Republicans are playing partisan politics.

Entertainment lampooning commences shortly.

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