Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Joe Piscopo for Governor 2005?

Is SNL alumnus Joe Piscopo a candidate for Governor?
"I am flattered most of all that people in the state that I love...think I could be the guy to represent them," Piscopo said in an interview.

"All I am concerned about is doing what's right for New Jersey," Piscopo said. "If there were enough people that said, "Run, Joe, run! We are so ticked off. You've got to be there for us,' then I would consider it very seriously."

"No joke," insisted the 53-year-old resident of Lebanon Township, Hunterdon County, after an offbeat political organizer staged a Statehouse news conference to draft Piscopo. That was Doug Friedline, once campaign manager for former Minnesota Gov. Jesse "The Body" Ventura.

Friedline's last blip on the radar of New Jersey politics came in 2002, when he proposed drafting rocker Bruce Springsteen to run for the U.S. Senate. Springsteen dismissed the notion.

Piscopo, who has claimed a closeness to former Gov. James E. McGreevey, did not attend the news conference. He needs 800 signatures to make the ballot. He would run as an independent.

Piscopo told Gannett he will wait to see if Friedline's efforts pay off and that an announcement will come before the June 7 New Jersey primary election. Tuesday he took a few plunges on issues.

"Abortion? I don't think the government has any right to tell a woman what to do with her body...And I am a church-going Catholic," Piscopo said.

"Property taxes: You have got to do something drastic. . . . You've to listen to what the Republicans are saying...Our property tax is so criminal at this point...Seniors should not have to pay what everybody else pays."

Friedline said the draft movement seeks to offer challenges to the presumed Democratic nominee, U.S. Sen. Jon S. Corzine and whomever wins the Republican primary.
And what does US. Senator Jon S. Corzine (D-NJ) think of all this? According to his spokeswoman: "The senator thinks Joe Piscopo is a very, very funny guy. But, hey, the only candidate Jon Corzine is taking seriously is himself."

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