Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Russ Feingold is running in 2008

The Wisconsin State Journal has the news of Feingold's entering into the race.
With rampant speculation on whether U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., will run for president in 2008, his Senate campaign made a few notable recent moves. It registered the domain name for the Web site as well as the .org and .net versions. And, no, he's not facing re-election to the Senate that year.

"We saw so many sites being snapped up out there that we reserved a few sites," says George Aldrich, Feingold's past campaign manager. He notes that many sites, such as, seeking to draft Feingold, are already taken and some already have content. Others are parked by supporters in case Feingold decides to run.

One question Aldrich can't answer is why the campaign let lapse earlier this year. Perhaps an oversight.
I wish Senator Feingold the very best in his campaign.

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