Thursday, November 04, 2010

Bristol Palin didn't vote!

Bristol Palin, the daughter of potential Republican presidential candidate Sarah Palin (the ex-Governor of Alaska who quit halfway through her term so that she could prepare to run for the presidency instead of governing those who voted her governor), admitted to Inside Edition that she forgot to turn in her absentee ballot.
Bristol Palin makes a surprising admission.

"I did not send in my absentee ballots in Alaska," she told INSIDE EDITION after Tuesday night's Dancing with the Stars show.

That's right, the daughter of one of the most prominent political figures of the day didn't vote in Tuesday's big election.

But she did weigh in on whether she'd want her mom to run for President in 2012.

"Of course I do. I know that she's great and she'd be great for our country," said the 20-year-old.
Meanwhile, Meghan McCain blasts Bristol Palin for not voting.
And last night, Meghan McCain blasted her for it.

"If you didn't vote in my family that was like bad news. I've been voting since I turned 18," McCain told Jay Leno on his Tonight Show last night.

"I guess it's only important for Bristol Palin to vote for Dancing With The Stars. I think a lot of women worked really hard to give us the right to vote. Anyone that doesn't vote is just ridiculous."

McCain also had words for Bristol's mom:

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