Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Democrats in Kentucky: It's Time to Step Up

While Democrats across the state don't see eye to eye on everything, it's clear that the party needs to get with it. State Representative Larry Clark is not deserving of any leadership position in Frankfort.
So, if people like Bob Babbage, the Browns, Jerry Lundergan and other big dogs around the Commonwealth really care about moving Kentucky forward? It’s time to step up and launch a public campaign aimed at keeping Clark out of leadership in the house. Republicans and Democrats need to come together on that front immediately. Put aside partisan issues and work for progress. I KNOW Kentuckians can come together when the future is at stake. I’ll keep holding my breath.

On a related note: This shows just how weak Steve Beshear is at the moment. He has no KDP machine. And his allies in the house are even more weak. Hopefully his people will wake up before it’s too late.
When Jerry Lundergan was recently chairman prior to the 2007 elections, I remember in 2005 when he was able to bring a lot of big Democratic Party names to this state and raised money for the party. Dan Logsdon needs to step up his game as he head into the statewide election primaries. In one way or another, the Democratic Party needs to be united going into the 2011 general election. We can't do that without a strong Democratic turnout that is mobilized by the state party.

Howard Dean's chairmanship in the party did bring the 50 State strategy. It was Chairman Dean's goal to make sure there was a congressional candidate in all congressional districts. In future House and Senate races, we need to challenge the Republicans with strong candidates at the state and federal levels.

To Dr. Daniel Mongiardo--this is the time to take on Hal Rogers in the 5th district in 2012!

We NEED to take the State Senate and power away from Dictator Williams once and for all. Until he starts allowing for Kentucky to progress and help the horse industry, I'll continue to refer to him as Dictator David Williams.

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