Thursday, December 02, 2004

The marriage amendment in KY

I thought this was worth posting here. If the GOP prefers the sanctity of marriage, then why not outlaw divorce.

This comes from the archives of the Louisville-Jefferson County Democratic Party:

The voters have spoken. In order to protect marriage in Kentucky they voted to amend the State's Constitution to ban same sex marriage. I really don't think we have gone far enough to protect marriage. Divorce is the instrument that is the biggest threat to Kentucky 's marriages. In my humble opinion we need to make it harder to get a divorce. Repeal the "no-fault divorce" law in Kentucky . "One Man + One Woman + Only One Marriage." Lets really get serious about marriage. Ask your Legislator, your Church leadership & the Political Leaders to push for the repeal of Kentucky 's No-Fault Divorce Law. See how serious they are about saving marriage, or was it just a wedge issue?

If you seek to file a divorce in Kentucky , it is important to be aware of the residency requirements prior to filing for your divorce. In order to file for divorce in Kentucky you must have be a resident of Kentucky for at least 180 days. The papers for dissolution of marriage must also be filed in a county where either of the spouses resides.

As such, grounds for divorce in Kentucky are no longer applicable since the state legislature has converted Kentucky into a "no-fault" state. The only thing that the parties need to prove to have a judge grant a divorce under the no-fault system is that the marriage is "irretrievably broken." The court is not allowed to grant a divorce until the parties have not lived together for over a 60-day period. However, living apart is defined to include living together without sexual cohabitation. If the court feels that the marriage still has a chance of survival it has the power to suggest that the parties seek counseling. The court also has the power to order a onciliation conference, where is can make a finding whether the marriage is irretrievably broken.

The only reason why we have such high divorce rates is because people marry at such a young age. Write your legislators now. Get rid of divorces to preserve marriage.

This is a touchy issue. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of gay marriage. It goes against the Tanakh. However, I will support civil unions. I've said that before. I am against discrimination but I'm for equal rights with regards to benefits.

I voted against the amendment because of the fact that it affected people that are not married but living together. I voted against the amendment because I am against discrimination but favor toleration. After all, isn't this the party of inclusion?

Even the Orthodox Union says to be tolerable of others.

As for me, I am waiting for the perfect young Jewish woman (Conservative to Orthodox) who is around my age and supports my going in to the public arena and my plans to seek office some day (as high as the Presidency?).

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