Thursday, December 02, 2004

New Secretaries, Danforth Resigns

Yahoo News reported earlier that:

President Bush has chosen former New York police commissioner Bernard Kerik, who helped oversee the city's response to the Sept. 11 attacks, to run the Department of Homeland Security, a senior administration official said Thursday.

I don't know much about him. Yahoo says he worked most recently for Guiliani Partners in Iraq.

Bush chose Nebraksa Governor Mike Johanns, a Republican, to serve as the Agricultural Secretary. He was raised on a dairy farm but became a lawyer. He was elected the Mayor of Lincoln in 1991. He became governor in 1998, and was re-elected in 2002. He was set to challenge Sen. Ben Nelson in 2006. Did his plans change all of a sudden?

This is an interesting development:

Johanns was a Democrat when he was elected in 1982 to a county board of commissioners, which he left five years later and became a Republican in 1988. He became major of Lincoln, Neb., in 1991, won election as governor in 1988 and a second term in 2002. He was the first Republican to win re-election in more than four decades.

I'm interested in knowing why he switched parties. Is he a moderate or a member of the far right? Sources say that Tommy Thompson at the HHS appears to be the next to go.

Also, the AP and the good bloggers at Ron Gunzberger's reports that

U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Danforth submitted his resignation Thursday, Dec. 2, 2004.

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