Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Other news...

I've been so busy as of late that I really haven't had the greatest time in the world to blog.

A few weeks back, Senators Evan Bayh and Hillary Clinton held a joint news conference.
Citing Hillary Clinton's devotion to the middle class, Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN) endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. "Hillary Clinton is a seasoned, experienced leader who will be ready to lead this country on Day One," Bayh said during a news conference with Clinton.

Bayh, who previously was in the running for the Democratic nomination, is from a Republican-leaning state. Clinton said his endorsement "underscores my commitment for running a national campaign." She compared her presidential run to her previous Senate races, where she campaigned all over the state, including "red New York."

"I believed that I was running to be the Senator for the entire state,” Clinton said, “not a segment of the state, not a set of constituencies in the sate, but the entire state. I feel the very same way about my campaign for the presidency."

The Clintons and Bayhs have a long history together, dating back almost 20 years to when Bill Clinton and Evan Bayh served as governors of Arkansas and Indiana. Now Hillary Clinton and Bayh both serve on the Senate Arms Services Committee and have traveled to Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan together.

The question that remains is, does Bayh have vice presidential aspirations? When a reporter asked Clinton and Bayh if the Indiana senator would be a good VP candidate, Bayh appeared as eager as the reporters to hear Clinton's answer. He nervously said to the reporters, "thank you all for coming," and then allowed Clinton to respond.

"It goes without saying that his record of public service is extraordinary," Clinton replied, "and I have the highest personal and professional regard for him."
Democrats around the state are rallying for the slate of candidates.

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