Wednesday, June 21, 2006

For Immediate Release

Okay, so I've posted once on the issue already but this one is a post that is more in-depth.

The fact is that while the Fletcher administration has blocked numerous blogs on bloigger and probably even typepad, there is no justice in the fact that they haven't blocked any sites dealing with Ann Coulter, Fox News, the Drudge Report, and the list goes on and on.

When I found out that my site was being blocked by the Commonwealth Office of Technology, I was very disgusted with the censoring of this blog as well as others. If Fletcher has resorted to these tactics, he must be scared.

Peter Partker's uncle, Ben, said it the best: "With great power comes great responsibility." Maybe Fletcher should start looking into that motto because whatever he's reading, priobably "How to be a Governor for Dummies," is not helping.

If there is a class action lawsuit filed against the administration, I'll see what I can do. Given my current financial situation, I cannot do much.

I do hope that the media picks up on this story because this sort of censorship is wrong. Not only is it plain wrong, it is inappropriate. I also hope that a poress release blasting the Fletcher administration comes from the Kentucky Democratic Party.

Fletcher will not have the last laugh on the subject and this is far from over.

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