Thursday, April 14, 2005

Alex "Pay-Rod" Rodriguez

I hate Alex "Pay-Rod" Rodriguez. He and George Steinbrenner are the two faces you see when you turn the page in the dictionary to the word "Greed" or "Greedy."

Main Entry: greed
:excessive or reprehensible acquisitiveness : AVARICE

Main Entry: av·a·rice
:excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain : GREEDINESS, CUPIDITY

The salaries we have today are absurd. Boston's payroll is $121,311,945, only second to the New York Yankees' $205,938,439. The Yankees have ten players making over $10 million. The Red Sox only have 2 over $10 million and Johnny Damon is not one of them. Bronson Arroyo only makes $1.85 million so he'll get an extra income off of his new CD this summer. Back to the game.

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