Saturday, March 19, 2005

Blogger panel in Kentucky?

America 2000 holds panel on media accountability and blogging. I was invited but had to turn it down.
Media accountability has emerged as a critical issue as we move to ensure voters have accurate and complete information for decision-making. One way to ensure that all the facts get out is to have independent sources of news and discussion.

Bloggers, internet-based e-mail newsletters, and news websites offer other alternatives to traditional news media. These non-traditional news providers offer fresh perspectives. This panel will give us an opportunity to meet the Bloggers. Find out who these people are and what they bring to the table.

The panel will be moderated by our own political media radio king of Louisville , former Congressman Mike Ward. He will be joined by the infamous "Dr. Ted" Shlechter who electronically publishes "The Bridge." Meet the man who is a force behind political activism in our region. Learn where he gets his inside information. Discover the passion that drives him to make things happen. A second panelist is the equally infamous "BG" aka Krista from Lexington whose web blog "BLUEgrass" is setting high standards for political commentary in the region. A third panelist (invited), is Louisville lawyer and blog activist Fred Ochsenhirt whose site "A Bluegrass Blog" provides another perspective on the news and the stuff that doesn't make the popular media.

Relevant sites you may want to visit are as follows: -- You are here right now!

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