Friday, March 04, 2005

Kenneth Baer's TNR article

Former Gore speechwriter Kenneth Baer nails it on the mark!:
To begin, New Democrats must banish from their vocabulary words like "centrist," "moderate," and "conservative." And they must make a clear distinction between politicians who embrace those wishy-washy terms and those who truly are New Democrats. Put another way, New Democrats need to be just as critical of those who would simply pare back the brain-dead ideas of the Republican right as they are of those who espouse the brain-dead dogmas of the Democratic left.
What other's are saying:
Greg's Opinion
Ed Kilgore at
Rick Heller at the Centrist Coalition

I am glad that Kenneth Baer wrote this article.

I managed to read it in full yesterday but now I cannot. Can someone who has access send me the full article? Much thanks in advance.

Off to break I go now!

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