Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Marshall Whitmann

I read The Bull Moose Blog daily along with other blogs. Aside from Greg, Ed Kilgore, myself, and maybe others, it seems like we are the only ones that are regularly coming to the defense of the DLC and Senator Joe Lieberman.

What's funny is that some of the people on Daily Kos regularly bash the DLC when many, if not, all of those do not bash those on the far left. Now, why bash someone for bashing them when they do the same thing right back.

Granted, I am a left of center Democrat that lives in a red state that went blue in the days of President Bill Clinton and will go blue again when we elect Senator Evan Bayh as President of the USA.

I don't like intra-party feuding when we should be going at the Republicans for all of their ethics problems, etc.

But to continually bash members of the DLC and anyone involved with it is disgusting and uncalled for. We need unity.

This brings me to the Reagan Commandment. Do not speak ill of a fellow Democrat even if you disagree across the board with them. Now to those that are further to the left then me, take my advice don't bash other Democrats anymore. I don't like being bashed for being in the DLC but then again, you don't see me bashing DFA, do you?

Oh, and I could careless what Marshall Whitmann's resume consists of. So don't bash people for job histories either. That's like bashing HRC for her being a former Republican who campaigned for Barry Goldwater.

Now, surely there is room for the Kentucky Democrat and the New Democrat on the blogroll on Bull Moose and New Donkey.

Ed has an update here and here.

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