Wednesday, March 23, 2005

American Dreams Update

From the Cincinnati Post:
Prince is preparing for both the future and for the end. In the final two episodes he sets the seeds for the series next season. Meg will work on American Bandstand booking acts as she holds down a TV news producer job. Her friend Roxanne will stay on Bandstand as the show's hairdresser. If the show is canceled, Prince already has filmed an ending NBC would presumably air at some point in late spring as a conclusion for fans.

Prince, however, thinks the odds are decent the show will return. Still, if American Dreams ends, Prince has no problem already writing its epitaph:

"If families felt something from a TV show and could comfortably sit with their kids and talk about drugs, sex, race, religion and war -- and not be preached to -- then that's the footprint we left."
It better return next season otherwise I don't think I'll be able to live the same way again! It is an excellent show and I will not tolerate NBC getting rid of a family-friendly drama. It's bad enough that ABC is slowly becoming Anything But Comedy!

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