Thursday, February 23, 2006

Non-Olympics Thread

Good news for Natalie Portman means bad news for a lot of her male fans like myself.

Shame on Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

Blago did not get the memo apparently.
Governor Rod Blagojevich wasn't in on the joke.

The Democratic governor says he didn't realize The Daily Show was a comedy spoof of the news when he sat down for an interview with the show.

The interview focused on his executive order requiring pharmacies to fill prescriptions for emergency birth control.

The Daily Show interviewer referred to Blagojevich as "Governor Smith" and asked if he was -- quote -- "the gay governor."
Also, some news regarding John Yarmuth and a misunderstanding with regards to a quote he made.
When I was interviewed by Kay Stewart of the Courier after I decided to enter the race, she asked about whether I was going to spend my own money in the campaign. Because there is a perception that I could finance the entire campaign without any outside contributions, I wanted to make clear that I was not going to do that, but that I thought I could raise enough money so that I would not have to. She took that statement to mean that I was not going to put ANY money in, which is not the case, and never has been. In a campaign-related story the next day, I said that I intended to put "something in the six figures" into the campaign, but most people did not see that article.

Here is the reality: I have committed at least $100,000 of my own funds to the primary, and at least that much for the general election. By law, I cannot put more than $350,000 into the campaign without then allowing Anne to accept two and three times the current limits from anyone. That is the range of my personal investment. Since the entire campaign will cost somewhere between $1.5 and $2 million, I will be investing at least 10 percent of the entire cost.
Okay, so this is Olympics related if you want the skating results. I won't spoil it for you but currently, I like what I see so far. I'll be checking that page until I leave for dinner.

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