Thursday, October 27, 2005

Sen./Gov. Happy Chandler

The next few weeks shall be fun. I'm writing a paper on the late governor but I think that's old news. I just checked out his autobiography today and will review that later on. I wish I had the chance to meet him but he had passed away by the time I really got involved with politics. I believe he died in 1991 and I was born in 1984.

Kentucky sure has a niche for electing Governors to the Senate and Senators to the Governor's Mansion. Look at Governors Wendell Ford and Julian Carroll. Both were elected afterwards to the Senate, albeit Gov. Carroll was elected to the state, not the US, Senate.

If there is anything that I know about Governor/Senator Happy Chandler is that he always led the crowd in the singing of "My Old Kentucky Home."

In my opinon, in terms of governors, Gov. Chandler and Gov. Ford are the most prominent names to have ever held that office. If I recall correctly, Gov. Happy Chandler ran for president in 1956. Maybe we'll get another Chandler elected to the Senate again or even see another one run for the Presidency (this is my opinion). I am currently in the process of reading "Heroes, Plain Folks, and Skunks: The Life and Times of Happy Chandler." I imagine that I'll have a book review or something up later on.

Other Governors that have served as Senators: John Adair, John J. Crittenden, Lazarus W. Powell, John Crepps Wickliffe Beckham (first Senator elected by a popular vote), and Earle C. Clements.

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