Thursday, February 10, 2005

From the Granite State

From the New Hampshire Sunday News:
Also in Washington yesterday was Raymond Buckley, the vice chair of the state Democratic Party. One stop on his itinerary was at the office of Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh.

Buckley insisted he was just "visiting friends," who, he said, included several other senators, such as his former boss, 2004 candidate Joe Lieberman.

Buckley also touched base with Manchester’s Steve Bouchard, who has recently become executive director of Bayh’s new All-American Political Action Committee. Bouchard is a lifelong Democratic activist who was a top player in Wesley Clark's '04 primary campaign.

Is Bayh running for President?

"Perhaps," Bouchard told us yesterday.
So Is Buckley going to endorse Sen. Bayh for President in 2008? That would be a key endorsement in the primaries.

[UPDATE] It is important for everyone to read the following below and it comes from the comments section to this entry.
Ray Buckley has more baggage than LaGuardia on the day before Thanksgiving. He's a liability at this point. He was a staffer on Lieberman's campaign and crippled Lieberman by using the campaign to advance his own agenda at the expense of Joe's political future.
Now, to those in New Hampshire, can you all get rid of Chairwoman Kathy Sullivan and Vice-ChairmanRay Buckley?

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