Friday, February 11, 2005

On McAullife's exit

Exerpts appear below from the article in the Washington Post:
"Every time I see somebody who identifies himself as a liberal saying I betrayed the liberal base of the party, I want to say 'How?'" Clinton said, arguing that his presidency had boosted the middle class and the poor and that his policies had brought gains for women, minorities and gays. "We've got to stop beating on each other and redirect our fire against the people we disagree with."[...]

McAuliffe lavished praise on Kerry himself. "John Kerry ran a great race," he said. "We had every player on the field. We had more money. We had the largest field operation. We got close. We got to the 1-yard line. But we didn't win. John Kerry gave it all he had."[...]

A Catholic, McAuliffe said criticism of Kerry's support for abortion rights by some members of the church's hierarchy was beyond the pale. "I was very dismayed at the Catholic Church in last year's election," he said. "The way they went into their pulpits and told people it was a sin to vote for John Kerry was nothing short of just outrageous."

But he minced no words in criticizing abortion rights activists for attacking the candidacy of former Indiana representative Timothy J. Roemer for party chairman because Roemer opposes abortion rights. "There was a lot of negativity by campaigns in the chair's race, and I thought it was over the top as it relates to Tim Roemer," McAuliffe said.
I've been using this blog to vent off things in recent days. Upon reading President Clinton's quotes, I am going to blame Governor Fletcher and our legislature for the mis-use of state funds, or lack there of, at Northern Kentucky

You see, I go to a state-funded school that probably recieved state funds to renovate Lake Obi-Wan Kenobi, as I call it, which is constantly flooding during the renovations due to the weather and I have to get my shoes muddy every day going back and forth to my math class. In addition, Sodexho, the previous food service caterer and Chantwell's, the new one, refuse to fix the conveyor belt at the campus cafeteria closer to housing. Furthermore, the university center is the farthest from housing, two miles away at most with all the stairwells. In addition to my lack of decent transportation, the laundry mats are located in two buildings and the one I am housed in is most definitely not one of them causing an excessive strain on my back and the hamper--which had at least 10 holes at last count. Today, the sole day that I could do laundry--it snows. It makes no sense to wash clothes, dry them, and walk back just to get them wet all over again! I really need to go home and the fact that I don't have a car does not help nor does the fact that my cousin is frequently non-reliable.

In wierder news, Curt Schilling donated his sock to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. Not to be outdone, Michael Jackson plans to donate his reconstructed face to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland.

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