Friday, December 24, 2004

Quote of the Week: A comment at Greg's Opinion

Markos? Childish? Perish the thought!

Remember, this is the guy who effectively banned anyone who wasn't a Dean or Clark Kool-Aid quaffer last winter.

The real issue isn't MeetUp, the Kerry web site or Zach Exley's abilities. It's Markos' "this town ain't big enough for both of us" act. Having decided that the blogosphere is the be-all and end-all of Democratic politics, Kos now feels that he must be the Uberblogger, the unquestioned voice of the online community. Anyone who threatens that status, be they Exley, Kilgore, Kaus, Josh Marshall, Dan Solzman, whoever, must be vaporized.

It's not just childish; since this schmuck seems to have the ear of the DNC and the NDN, it is downright disturbing.
To read the full page, click here.

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