Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Late Show: Top Ten Eliot Spitzer Excuses

From a comedic angle, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will be taking a backseat for a while. Here's what Dave and the gang came up with on Monday

Top Ten Eliot Spitzer Excuses
10. Oh come on, like you were never involved in a prostitution ring
9. Hookers is fun
8. Just trying to help the economy
7. Have you ever been to Albany?
6. It's part of my new MTV prank show "Spitz'd"
5. Haven't been myself since Roy Schieder died
4. Uh, tainted beef?
3. Whether it's a hooker or your wife, you're always paying for it -- you married fellas know what I'm talking about
2. Wanted to be known as the Charlie Sheen of politics
1. I thought Bill Clinton legalized this years ago

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