Friday, December 10, 2004

The 2004 Presidential Primary: Where are They Now?

CBS News reports the future of many of the primary contenders in the presidential election for the Democrats. Some were left off but I shall summarize.

John Kerry
--Returning to the US Senate but keeping options open in 2008.
--Starting a new PAC.

John Edwards
--Being wooed by law schools in North Carolina to teach.
--Headlining the 100 Club Dinner in New Hampshire on February 5, 2005.

Howard Dean
--Vying for the DNC Chairmanship.
--Currently chairs Democracy for America.

Richard Gephardt
--Retiring from Congress but still deciding what to do now.

Wesley Clark
--Currently in the private sector.
--EDITOR'S NOTE: Potential contender in 2006 for the Arkansas Governorship.

Al Sharpton
--Set to host "I Hate My Job."

Carol Mosely Braun
--Currently involved in Democratic politics.
--Has not ruled a political return

Dennis Kucinich
--Re-elected to Congress.

Not mentioned in the article:
Joe Lieberman
--Up for re-election in 2006.

Bob Graham
--Set to teach at Harvard for the next year.

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