"Was she wearing a flag that got turned into a jumpsuit?"
--Jon Stewart on Jean Schmidt, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, November 30, 2005
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Crap! Morris is inelgible
Will Ken run??
Sources close to The Kentucky Democrat are saying that we should know in a few days as to whether or not former Congressman Ken Lucas will run for his old seat. Chances are, he probably will be a candidate.
Campbell County Democrats have passed a resolution encouraging him to run. I was at the meeting tonight and I was glad that I was there.
I hope he runs. I'd campaign heavily for him if he does. If what I have heard is true, we should know sooner rather than later.
Campbell County Democrats have passed a resolution encouraging him to run. I was at the meeting tonight and I was glad that I was there.
I hope he runs. I'd campaign heavily for him if he does. If what I have heard is true, we should know sooner rather than later.
That is the current word being used by State Senator Steve Rauschenberger after Judy Baar Topinka entered the gubernatorial contest. I wonder how reader Corey from Illinois feels about this one.
Reinhardt to retire!
State Rep. Jon David Reinhardt will not run for re-election. Democrats have an excellent candidate in Randy Blankenship.
Yours truly has a published editorial in today's edition of the LEO.
Yours truly has a published editorial in today's edition of the LEO.
Upcoming events
VOICE (Voices for Inquiry, Community, and Equity) will be presenting HURRICANE KATRINA: THE GEOGRAPHY OF RACE on Friday and Saturday. This is a free event and will be at Frazier Hall located over on Bellarmine University's campus. Friday will have a light breakfast and lunch. Lunch will be provided on Saturday.
The DSCC has a new ad up dealing with Senator Conrad Burns.
Salon has a great ppiece by Michelle Goldberg. I have to applaud both Abraham Foxman and Rabbi Eric Yoffe.
Matt Wyatt has decided to run for the 10th district of the State Senate instead of the Office of the Treasurer.
The DSCC has a new ad up dealing with Senator Conrad Burns.
Salon has a great ppiece by Michelle Goldberg. I have to applaud both Abraham Foxman and Rabbi Eric Yoffe.
This month, that started to change. Two major Jewish figures -- Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, and Rabbi Eric Yoffie, president of the Union for Reform Judaism -- have taken on the religious right and, by extension, the Republican Party. By doing so, they have enraged some evangelicals and opened a fissure in the larger Jewish community. Some leaders are worried about provoking a conservative backlash and ushering in a new era of anti-Semitism. Others rejoice that someone has finally articulated what so many ordinary American Jews have been thinking. Either way, the culture wars have suddenly taken on an overtly sectarian cast.I am proud to be a Jew and pro-Israel and I am not afraid to say that. I believe Israel has the right to exist and the right to defend herself from violence. I also believe that the Christian right has gone overboard as of late. I don't attack other people for their religious beliefs. I don't attack their holidays, though it is nice to hear some Chanukah music on the radio during this time of year. I believe in the idea of Tikkun Olam, the repairing of the world. Social action is what leads many Jews to a career in politics or political activism. This is where people like Kentucky State Treasurer Jonathan Miller, author of the upcoming book The Compassionate Community, come in. Jews need to be united.
On Nov. 3, Abraham Foxman gave a speech to an ADL meeting, calling attacks on church-state separation the "key domestic challenge to the American Jewish community and to our democratic values." "[T]oday we face a better financed, more sophisticated, coordinated, unified, energized, and organized coalition of groups in opposition to our policy positions on church-state separation than ever before," he said. "Their goal is to implement their Christian worldview. To Christianize America. To save us!" Among the major players in this campaign, Foxman listed Focus on the Family, the Alliance Defense Fund, the American Family Association and the Family Research Council.
Foxman lamented the divisions in the Jewish community over the issue, noting that there is much less unity than there was 15 years ago. Nor could Jews count on their old allies in the civil rights struggles -- African-Americans and Latinos -- for help. Those bonds have withered; those groups no longer tend to see church-state separation as a vital condition for minority rights. With the America that Jews have prospered in threatening to disappear, Foxman called for a meeting of Jewish leadership to plan a coordinated strategy.[...]
As Foxman said in his speech, "Make no mistake: We are facing an emerging Christian right leadership that intends to 'Christianize' all aspects of American life, from the halls of government to the libraries, to the movies, to recording studios, to the playing fields and local rooms of professional collegiate and amateur sport, from the military to SpongeBob SquarePants."
Given this onslaught, Jews can't simply cede their place in America in exchange for support for Israel. Speaking of those who caution him not to disturb the Jewish-evangelical alliance, Foxman says, "If we cannot disagree, what kind of a friendship is it?"
Matt Wyatt has decided to run for the 10th district of the State Senate instead of the Office of the Treasurer.
Quote of the Day
"Rep. Lucas Hires Former Fletcher Assistant"
--Headline of Pat Crowley's latest article, Cincinnati Enquirer, November 30, 2005
Note to readers: Pat Crowley has apologized on behalf of the Enquirer and that they are working on what caused the error. However, this could make for some humor on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
--Headline of Pat Crowley's latest article, Cincinnati Enquirer, November 30, 2005
Note to readers: Pat Crowley has apologized on behalf of the Enquirer and that they are working on what caused the error. However, this could make for some humor on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
Good morning
St. Louis Cardinal infielder Abraham Nunez has signed with the Philadelphia Phillies.
Deadspin reports some interesting news coming out of St. Louis. One thing for sure is that they SHOULD NOT trade Jim Edmonds, especially to the Yankees.
To Walt Jocketty, please sign Matt Morris for another few years!
Apparently, driving Mitch McConnell takes you far in Republican politics. Jon Deuser (Former Bunning chief of staff), Terry Carmack (Northup CoS), Will Smith (Rogers CoS), Billy Piper (McConnell CoS), Mark Reineke (commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development), Hunter Bates (former Lt. Gov candidate), and Scott Douglas (former exec. director of the RPK) all drove for Mitch McConnell. How interesting.
Next Thursday, I will be writing my own tribute to the legendary Beatle John Lennon.
I hear that someone is having their 50th birthday party this Friday even if the actual date of their 50th is the day after Chanukah begins.
Deadspin reports some interesting news coming out of St. Louis. One thing for sure is that they SHOULD NOT trade Jim Edmonds, especially to the Yankees.
According to MLB Trade Rumors, the St. Louis Cardinals are "close" to a "major" move, with sources saying that "something big is happening" and that Cardinals general manager Walt Jocketty has threatened employees with "termination" if any information comes out. Too late!John Mabry has joined the cubs. Insert expletive here.
With the help of Viva El Birdos, MLB Trade Rumors has narrowed the likely news candidates to four possibilities: A trade of Jim Edmonds for Robinson Cano and Chien Ming-Wang; the signing of A.J. Burnett; a trade for Ken Griffey Jr.; and a trade for Bobby Abreu.
To Walt Jocketty, please sign Matt Morris for another few years!
Apparently, driving Mitch McConnell takes you far in Republican politics. Jon Deuser (Former Bunning chief of staff), Terry Carmack (Northup CoS), Will Smith (Rogers CoS), Billy Piper (McConnell CoS), Mark Reineke (commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development), Hunter Bates (former Lt. Gov candidate), and Scott Douglas (former exec. director of the RPK) all drove for Mitch McConnell. How interesting.
Next Thursday, I will be writing my own tribute to the legendary Beatle John Lennon.
I hear that someone is having their 50th birthday party this Friday even if the actual date of their 50th is the day after Chanukah begins.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Kentucky vs. High Point
Defeating Tubby's alma mater of High Point this evening has moved the University of Kentucky Wildcats to a 5-1 record. The final score was 75-55.
Where they stand
Hotline on Call compiled this list:
Bayh: find realistic way to define success, then set benchmarks
Edwards: was "wrong". Wants "significant" reduction of troops after elections early next year. He'd tie the proportion of troops withdrawn to benchmarks set for Iraqi soldier performance.
Biden: no withdrawals until political situation improves, but sees 100K troops back home by '07. Does not rule out more troops if necessary. Wants admin to come clean about targets for Iraqi troop training. More civillian staff in Iraq.
Clark: add civillian component; consider adding troops; adjust the mix on the ground; establish clear benchmarks for training
Clinton: No immed. withdrawal, no troop increase, set specific benchmarks for training Iraqi forces and make it clear to Iraq that the US's military committment is limited.
Feingold: 12/31/06 is a "target date" for troops to come home. But he's flexible.
Kerry: begin drawn down of 20K troops after elections in Dec and continue if successful.
Richardson: "It is now time for the military commanders to design a phased, definitive withdrawal plan."
Warner: No immed. withdrawal, no troop increase, set specific benchmarks for Iraqi forces. Eschews "debating the past."
Afternoon Update
It appears that Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman will not be running for Governor of Ohio. State Senator Eric Fingerhut, the former US Senate candidate, did release a statement this afternoon.
David Forman, chair of Rabbis for Human Rights, writes about why the left-wing needs responsibility.
"Mayor Coleman's difficult decision to end his campaign for governor in order to attend to his responsibilities to his family and the citizens of Columbus is an example of the type of leadership he has demonstrated throughout his career. My wife, Amy, and I join with all Ohioans in sending our prayers and best wishes to the entire Coleman family."I can't exactly say that I agree with the recent editorial that Senator Lieberman wrote. We need a withdrawal plan. It's been far too long.
Senator Fingerhut, Ohio’s 2004 Democratic Nominee to the United States Senate, is expected to further comment soon, noting that today is really Michael Coleman’s day.
"Michael Coleman’s withdrawal from this race leaves a void," said Fingerhut, noting he had been impressed with Coleman’s initiative to debate and discuss the future direction of the state.
"This race needs a candidate who understands that Ohio is facing competition from around the world for good jobs and opportunities for our citizens," said Fingerhut.
While refraining from making any announcements himself, Fingerhut said he is taking a serious look at this race. "The issues I represent --- creating jobs, making Ohio competitive, making Ohio a place where our children, grandchildren and businesses stay and come back to --- are important issues," Fingerhut said. "Ohioans deserve a governor who will talk about the things that will make Ohio more competitive, and will make a state that we are proud to call home."
David Forman, chair of Rabbis for Human Rights, writes about why the left-wing needs responsibility.
I recently concluded a lecture tour in the states. My topic was "Living with terror - morality versus security." How do we protect the body of Israel and, at the same time, safeguard its soul? It is clearly a delicate balancing act, not given to black-and-white answers.Speaking of Israel, Professor Alan Dershowitz is debating anti-Zionist Noam Chomsky tonight at the Kennedy School of Government. That should be interesting. I support Alan Dershowitz. I've met him as well.
Throughout my talks I encountered one recurring question: "Even though I disagree with your liberal views of Israel, at least you present a balanced picture."
KY-3: We have a candidate
They just aren't making it official quite yet. See The Bridge for more. I think I know who he refers to but I will make no mention of the name.
George Harrison
Born 1943, Died 2001
It's been four years since the quite one passed away to cancer. May he rest in peace.
It's been four years since the quite one passed away to cancer. May he rest in peace.
Will Ken run?
I don't know as of know but if he does, he will be drafted into the race. Check Crowley's article for more. It would definitely be nice to see Congressman Ken Lucas back in Congress.
Another one bites the dust. Ralph Hacker joins the list of Fletcher officials that have resigned and it's not even at the midway point of his term.
Otis Hensley, Jr. is the first Democrat to announce his intent to run for Governor by filing with the Kentucky Registry of Election Finance. I don't know much about him but I can tell based on the results from 2003, he stands no chance. His runningmate is Richard Robbins.
JIm Thome went to Chicago as it is closer to home. His home is in Peoria. I know that city very well.
St. Louis still has their eye on A.J. Burnett. I'm still waiting on Matt Morris and their decision on him.
John Mellencamp will have to wait another year. He belongs in the Hall of Fame, there is no doubt about that. Another band that keeps getting snubbed are the Hollies.
Another great writeup of George Clooney.
Will state employees soon have to direct deposit in their bank account?
Another one bites the dust. Ralph Hacker joins the list of Fletcher officials that have resigned and it's not even at the midway point of his term.
Otis Hensley, Jr. is the first Democrat to announce his intent to run for Governor by filing with the Kentucky Registry of Election Finance. I don't know much about him but I can tell based on the results from 2003, he stands no chance. His runningmate is Richard Robbins.
JIm Thome went to Chicago as it is closer to home. His home is in Peoria. I know that city very well.
St. Louis still has their eye on A.J. Burnett. I'm still waiting on Matt Morris and their decision on him.
John Mellencamp will have to wait another year. He belongs in the Hall of Fame, there is no doubt about that. Another band that keeps getting snubbed are the Hollies.
Another great writeup of George Clooney.
Will state employees soon have to direct deposit in their bank account?
It will save more than $500,000 in printing costs, and it will help avoid situations where workers have had checks lost in the mail, said Kenneth Mansfield, communications director for Treasurer Jonathan Miller's office.
90,000 Hits!
Today, the 90,000th all-time visitor came from Bowling Green, Kentucky, after doing a Yahoo search for "the kentucky democrat" at 1:17:57 AM.
Very Clintonesque
I can't say this is surprising but it is interesting. If this is true, will Hilary stay in the Senate? I found this via Daily Kos via Radar Online via Weird Wally.
But while her coy denials and growing war chest have kept many Democratic opponents on the sidelines, at least one party poobah has not been shy about checking out her competition. Sources close to the Democratic National Committee claim that Bill Clinton has recently held a series of secret meetings with Virginia Gov. Mark Warner, a much-hyped party moderate who is rapidly emerging as his wife's most significant challenger for the Democratic nomination.How do you feel about this?
Monday, November 28, 2005
Stephen Colbert
This may be a joke but apparently his mother's maiden name is Bailey.
Credit Card Number: 4684 3020 04 (not enough numbers)
Credit Card Number: 4684 3020 04 (not enough numbers)
Quote of the Day
"We don't even write the show anymore, we just lift things from The Simpsons."
--Jon Stewart, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, November 28, 2005
--Jon Stewart, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, November 28, 2005
Ramsey Clark
Jonah Goldberg writes his thoughts on Ramsey Clark. I admit I don't know a whole lot about Jonah Goldberg's political leanings but I can say that I am pissed off about former Attorney General Ramsey Clark agreeing to defend Saddam Hussein.
Clark was the Attorney General for President Ronald Reagan. Ronald Wilson Reagan. This is absurd. Shame on Ramsey Clark.
Oops. Turns out I was wrong, as Native Atlantan points out in the comments, Clark was the AG for President Lyndon Baines Johnson. Now I feel so guilty...irregardless, this move to defend him is wrong.
CLARK NEWS NETWORK [Jonah Goldberg]How does Drum reply? He's annoyed moreso than Goldberg is. I'm annoyed at the fact that Clark has even agreed to this nonsense. He should not be allowed to defend Hussein at all. It's not right and inappropriate. Heck, even Armando is annoyed and he is usually the one that picks fights.
CNN is giving Ramsey Clark a lot of play from Baghdad. It annoys me.
Clark was the Attorney General for President Ronald Reagan. Ronald Wilson Reagan. This is absurd. Shame on Ramsey Clark.
Oops. Turns out I was wrong, as Native Atlantan points out in the comments, Clark was the AG for President Lyndon Baines Johnson. Now I feel so guilty...irregardless, this move to defend him is wrong.
On Cunningham
Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham did the honorable thing by resigning his seat in Congress.
Cunningham's plea came amid a series of GOP scandals: Rep. Tom DeLay of Texas had to step down as majority leader after he was indicted in a campaign finance case; a stock sale by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is being looked at by regulators; and Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff was indicted in the CIA leak case.I am sure that his family must be going through a tough time.
Cunningham, a swaggering former flying ace with the Navy during the Vietnam War, was known on Capitol Hill for his interest in defense issues and his occasional outbursts.
Travelers Stranded
My thoughts and prayers go out to those stranded by the latest snow storm.
Travelers trying to get home after Thanksgiving were stranded across the Plains on Monday as the region's first big snowstorm of the season closed hundreds of miles of highways, cutting visibility to zero and piling up drifts 6 feet high.I always hate being caught in traffic especially during a bad storm.
Snow driven by wind up to 69 mph fell from North Dakota to the Texas Panhandle, shutting down schools, post offices and South Dakota state government.
Four deaths were blamed on slippery roads in South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas, and a fifth person was killed when tornado picked up and hurled a car in Arkansas.
"It's not safe for anybody," said Sharon Rouse, owner of a towing service at Kearney, Neb.
More than 400 miles of eastbound Interstate 70 was closed, from Denver to Salina, Kan., with no word on when it might reopen. Westbound lanes were open in some areas.
"We're just waiting," said Corey Dagner, who was stuck in Limon, Colo., on his way home to Illinois after attending a wedding at the Breckenridge ski resort. "Nobody's sure what's going on and what time they're going to open the interstate."
Denver International Airport was spared, and had an estimated 158,000 travelers Sunday, one of the busiest travel days of the year. "We had some wind, that's it," said airport spokesman Chuck Cannon.
Motels in Limon, 70 miles east of Denver, filled up quickly Sunday night. About 50 people took refuge at First Baptist Church, sleeping on pews or in classrooms. Most left Monday morning in search of another route home.
"We're just a place where people get stranded in storms," pastor Rick Taylor said. It happens two or three times a year, he said.
The Colorado portion of I-70 was dry Monday, but the highway was impassable in western and central Kansas because visibility was nearly zero. Colorado halted eastbound traffic because there are so few places to stop and wait on the state's sparsely populated eastern plains.
Almost 1,000 people spent Sunday night in shelters along I-70, said Joy Moser, a spokeswoman for the Kansas Division of Emergency Management. Even though the blizzard warning for northwest and north-central Kansas expired Monday afternoon, shelters remained open in anticipation of more stranded travelers.
"You can't even see," said Bill Kanitig of the Sherman County, Kan., sheriff's office. "The highway is snowpacked, and it's slick and everybody's sliding off."
Numerous other highways also were closed across the Plains, including a 250-mile stretch of I-90 across South Dakota, and a 60-mile stretch of I-80 in Nebraska.
"This is probably the worst storm I've ever encountered," Terri Gosney said by telephone from a truck stop alongside I-90 in Mitchell, S.D., as she waited to resume her trip home to Minong, Wis.
I'm back!
Note to self: double check syllabus the week before a project is due, rather than the day before.
Had it not been for that project being finished today, I would have posted sooner. I just got back from my room after working on it for much of the afternoon.
The Bridge notes that Charlie wants to run for Governor and that Sen. Neal is not interested in running for Congress right now.
Happy Birthday to Jon Stewart who turned 43 this morning. Read what a Central Florida professor has to say about him.
Hmmm. Ellen Williams, former chairwoman of the GOP, seems to not think before she speaks. Doesn't matter because the Attorney General seems to know what he is doing.
Russ Feingold prefers a cheesehead in the White House come 2008. While I'd like to see a Jewish president, I just don't know if now is the time. I say this as a Joe Lieberman supporter. I waited til Vice President Al Gore made his decision in 2002 as to whether or not he would run in 2004. I then waited to see what Senator Lieberman would do. As it turned out, I endorsed Senator John F. Kerry after Lieberman made his untimely exit in the primaries.
Should the governor have a limit as to how many principal assistants that they may hire?
Cream's reunion will air on Wednesday at 9 PM eastern. I believe that UK may be playing on that date. Strike that, the Cats don't play.
Cal Eldred has retired from baseball. He cited financial and personal reasons.
Can they tell us what they really think? I mean, seriously.
That's it for now, I think.
Had it not been for that project being finished today, I would have posted sooner. I just got back from my room after working on it for much of the afternoon.
The Bridge notes that Charlie wants to run for Governor and that Sen. Neal is not interested in running for Congress right now.
Happy Birthday to Jon Stewart who turned 43 this morning. Read what a Central Florida professor has to say about him.
Hmmm. Ellen Williams, former chairwoman of the GOP, seems to not think before she speaks. Doesn't matter because the Attorney General seems to know what he is doing.
Russ Feingold prefers a cheesehead in the White House come 2008. While I'd like to see a Jewish president, I just don't know if now is the time. I say this as a Joe Lieberman supporter. I waited til Vice President Al Gore made his decision in 2002 as to whether or not he would run in 2004. I then waited to see what Senator Lieberman would do. As it turned out, I endorsed Senator John F. Kerry after Lieberman made his untimely exit in the primaries.
Should the governor have a limit as to how many principal assistants that they may hire?
Cream's reunion will air on Wednesday at 9 PM eastern. I believe that UK may be playing on that date. Strike that, the Cats don't play.
Cal Eldred has retired from baseball. He cited financial and personal reasons.
Can they tell us what they really think? I mean, seriously.
That's it for now, I think.
Open Thread
I actually have a long day for a change with completion of a project by 2 PM. Discuss what you want. I'll be back after dinner...hopefully.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Quote of the Day
"Republican Rep. Geoff Davis of the 4th District certified himself as a yahoo by calling Murtha and similar critics of the Bush war policy 'despicable, dishonorable, uninformed, unhistorical, anti-intellectual and, frankly, un-American.'"
--Al Cross, the best darned politial writer this state has ever seen, The Courier-Journal, November 27, 2005
--Al Cross, the best darned politial writer this state has ever seen, The Courier-Journal, November 27, 2005
White House and Plagarism
The White House responds to the recent opinion-editorial by Senator Joe Biden in the Washington Post. What is interesting here is that the administration is taking the idea as their own as mentioned by Scott at MyDD.com.
Here are the excerpts from the Biden editorial:
Here are the excerpts from the Biden editorial:
We already know the likely answer. In 2006, they will begin to leave in large numbers. By the end of the year, we will have redeployed about 50,000. In 2007, a significant number of the remaining 100,000 will follow. A small force will stay behind -- in Iraq or across the border -- to strike at any concentration of terrorists.From the Yahoo article on the administration:
That is because we cannot sustain 150,000 Americans in Iraq without extending deployment times, sending soldiers on fourth and fifth tours, or mobilizing the National Guard. Even if we could, our large military presence -- while still the only guarantor against a total breakdown -- is increasingly counterproductive. A liberation has become an occupation.
There is another critical question: As our soldiers redeploy, will our security interests in Iraq remain intact or will we have traded a dictator for chaos?
In the White House statement, which was released under the headline "Senator Biden Adopts Key Portions Of Administration's Plan For Victory In Iraq," McClellan said the administration of President George W. Bush welcomed Biden's voice in the debate.Wait a minute now. If the administration has an exit strategy, then why the crap have they been bloody silent for just about the past, oh, three years! When they do see a good plan, they take it as their own! That's called plagarism.
"Today, Senator Biden described a plan remarkably similar to the administration's plan to fight and win the war on terror," the spokesman went on to say.
McClellan added that as Iraqi security forces gain strength and experience, "we can lessen our troop presence in the country without losing our capability to effectively defeat the terrorists."
McClellan said the White House now saw "a strong consensus" building in Washington in favor of Bush's strategy in Iraq.
Over the past weekend, I saw some movies or specials that had me thinking. I had the chance to see Good Night, and Good Luck on Friday. It was a very interesting movie that dealt with Senator Joe McCarthy (R-WI) and his fight against communism. McCarthy blacklisted just about anybody that was an anybody and accused them of being a communist. All the footage of McCarthy was archive footage. Edward R. Murrow, the broadcaster featured throughout the movie, coined the phrase that the movie was named after. Murrow was one of the first broadcasters in the media to have grown a spine with his CBS show, See it Now. I wish I could say the same thing about the broadcast journalists of today--Katrina aside--but Jon Stewart is a political comedian and doesn't really count as a journalist. On March 9. 1954, Murrow changed broadcast journalism as we know it by attacking Senator Joseph McCarthy. Murrow's days on TV ended in 1961 when President John F. Kennedy appointed him the head of the US Information Agency--the parent of Voice of America. For more on Ed Murrow, click here.
Speaking of President Kennedy, I watched a special on the History Channel dealing with the curse of the Kennedy family. While a few of them have lived into their 70s and 80s, it's sad how a few have died unnatural and untimely deaths. I may be a moderate Democrat but I have been a longtime supporter of the Kennedy family especially Jack and Bobby. I had hoped that Bobby, Jr. would have run for something next year. Maybe he will soon. Ted is up for re-election next year. I expect a landslide win for another term. John Kennedy, Jr. would have made a great politician had he lived.
Speaking of President Kennedy, I watched a special on the History Channel dealing with the curse of the Kennedy family. While a few of them have lived into their 70s and 80s, it's sad how a few have died unnatural and untimely deaths. I may be a moderate Democrat but I have been a longtime supporter of the Kennedy family especially Jack and Bobby. I had hoped that Bobby, Jr. would have run for something next year. Maybe he will soon. Ted is up for re-election next year. I expect a landslide win for another term. John Kennedy, Jr. would have made a great politician had he lived.
Weekend Update
Long time, no blog! Things are going great. I just got back to campus within the past hour and still need to unpack. Before I do that, let's get the rundown on the latest news.
Looking for the perfect holiday gift? Go here NOW!
Here is a writeup of the guy behind of the newest Natalie Portman films that have yet to be released.
Dick Hungate, inventor of classic rock radio, is back on the air.
Paul McCartney phoned in during a quiz on the radio about himself. KLSX-FM was shocked when Macca phoned in as I'm sure listeners were as well.
This guy must be having the time of his life working for Senator Evan Bayh.
What does the Indy Star think that Evan Bayh is thankful for?
Kentucky Supreme Court Justice Donald Wintershimer is staying put.
A writeup on Maysville, KY, native George Clooney. I'll have more on him in a later post.
Al Cross, a legend in his own right, has an article focusing on the 2nd district congressional race between Rep. Ron Lewis and State Rep. Mike Weaver. I should disclaim right now that I was just asked to blog last week for Col. Weaver's campaign.
I have to say that Paul McCartney is right to boycott China over animal rights issues.
Looking for the perfect holiday gift? Go here NOW!
Here is a writeup of the guy behind of the newest Natalie Portman films that have yet to be released.
Dick Hungate, inventor of classic rock radio, is back on the air.
Paul McCartney phoned in during a quiz on the radio about himself. KLSX-FM was shocked when Macca phoned in as I'm sure listeners were as well.
At first the station was sure it was a hoaxer who was calling to tell them the answer but it actually turned out to be McCartney himself and not only to he give them the answer but a lengthy interview as well.Now, why did Paul not already by Choose Love?
And the prize for getting the question right? A copy of Ringo Starr’s new album which McCartney reportedly said he’d always wanted.
This guy must be having the time of his life working for Senator Evan Bayh.
What does the Indy Star think that Evan Bayh is thankful for?
Sen. Evan Bayh: Like Daniels, he's thankful 2008 is a long way off. That gives him time to prove his presidential worthiness. He should also be thankful that a good resume and a healthy fundraising report are more important than national poll numbers. For now.President Dwight David Eisenhower is finally getting a memorial in the district. It was about time. What about John Adams? When is his coming? Anyone know?!?
Kentucky Supreme Court Justice Donald Wintershimer is staying put.
A writeup on Maysville, KY, native George Clooney. I'll have more on him in a later post.
Al Cross, a legend in his own right, has an article focusing on the 2nd district congressional race between Rep. Ron Lewis and State Rep. Mike Weaver. I should disclaim right now that I was just asked to blog last week for Col. Weaver's campaign.
I have to say that Paul McCartney is right to boycott China over animal rights issues.
The comments by McCartney will come as a blow for his Chinese fans - the Beatles are hugely popular in the world's most populous state.I will say this about PETA since the article mentions them. I am an animal lover and my family owns a dog. However, the way they acted with KFC by threatening to desecrate the grave of Col. Harlem Sanders was disgraceful and unjustified.
'People think because China is going to host the Olympics then they must be coming into the modern world, but then you see this sort of stuff,' he said. 'Surely the authorities there must realise how bad this looks? How can the host nation of the Olympics be seen allowing animals to be treated in this terrible way?
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Quick update....
Just a quick update to inform you of the latest rumbling and grumblings in KY-3 is now on the Bridge. While nothing is official yet, I think Charlie Owen is the leading contender in the 3rd district. Other than Charlie, the other potential nominees are former Commonwealth Attorney Mark Murphy, State Senator Gerald Neal, and Councilman David Tandy.
That's the update for tonight. If you hear anything, send me an email and I'll post something ASAP. In the meantime, I'll be with my family.
That's the update for tonight. If you hear anything, send me an email and I'll post something ASAP. In the meantime, I'll be with my family.
Happy Thanksgiving
And a Happy Birthday to two people asking to remain anonymous! One is 50 years old, the other 81...
I am thankful to be an American, a Democrat, and a Kentuckian. I'm thankful for being active in politics and having the chance to meet or know people like Jonathan Miller, Crit Luallen, Greg Stumbo, Ben Chandler, Mike Weaver, Max Cleland, Wendell Ford, Evan Bayh, John Edwards, Joe Biden, John Kerry, our representatives and senators in Frankfort, our leaders in the Young Democrats, College Democrats, and getting to know my fellow bloggers. I cannot forget to thank those that have served the country in the Armed Forces. I'm thankful for the Bridge because I wouldn't have had the chance to know what was going on politically in Louisville when I was at school otherwise. Controversial as the site may be sometimes, I am thankful for the Bluegrass Report for their constant coverage of the Fletcher scandal. As Lee Greenwood once said, "I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free and I won't forget the men who died to give that right to me..."
G-d Bless America.
Some Thanksgiving humor that found it's way to the inbox from Bangitout.com:
Top Ten Ways you Know You are at a Jewish Thanksgiving Dinner
10. Your grandmother asks for the gravy by requesting "the turkey schmaltz"
9. "The turkey is served!" line is followed by someone cracking open an expired Empire deli pack
8. Leftover vegetable kugel is suddenly titled "stuffing"
7. Your neighbor comes over to borrow your hat and jacket for his Pilgrim outfit
6. Someone accidentally starts singing shalom aleichem
5. Dinner is delayed while family clears off the table of Macy’s coupons
4. Meal cancelled due to prohibition on using Indian customs and the fact that your mom is busy cooking for shabbos
3. Homemade pies are from Supersol
2. Someone shares a really bad gematria dvar torah connecting Pocahontas and Hashem
1. It's Friday night
Does anyone know if the turkey that the president pardoned was under investigation or already indicted? I couldn't resist that one.
The Survival song - it's pretty darn hilarious.
I am thankful to be an American, a Democrat, and a Kentuckian. I'm thankful for being active in politics and having the chance to meet or know people like Jonathan Miller, Crit Luallen, Greg Stumbo, Ben Chandler, Mike Weaver, Max Cleland, Wendell Ford, Evan Bayh, John Edwards, Joe Biden, John Kerry, our representatives and senators in Frankfort, our leaders in the Young Democrats, College Democrats, and getting to know my fellow bloggers. I cannot forget to thank those that have served the country in the Armed Forces. I'm thankful for the Bridge because I wouldn't have had the chance to know what was going on politically in Louisville when I was at school otherwise. Controversial as the site may be sometimes, I am thankful for the Bluegrass Report for their constant coverage of the Fletcher scandal. As Lee Greenwood once said, "I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free and I won't forget the men who died to give that right to me..."
G-d Bless America.
Some Thanksgiving humor that found it's way to the inbox from Bangitout.com:
Top Ten Ways you Know You are at a Jewish Thanksgiving Dinner
10. Your grandmother asks for the gravy by requesting "the turkey schmaltz"
9. "The turkey is served!" line is followed by someone cracking open an expired Empire deli pack
8. Leftover vegetable kugel is suddenly titled "stuffing"
7. Your neighbor comes over to borrow your hat and jacket for his Pilgrim outfit
6. Someone accidentally starts singing shalom aleichem
5. Dinner is delayed while family clears off the table of Macy’s coupons
4. Meal cancelled due to prohibition on using Indian customs and the fact that your mom is busy cooking for shabbos
3. Homemade pies are from Supersol
2. Someone shares a really bad gematria dvar torah connecting Pocahontas and Hashem
1. It's Friday night
Does anyone know if the turkey that the president pardoned was under investigation or already indicted? I couldn't resist that one.
The Survival song - it's pretty darn hilarious.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Open Thread
I'm back home in the Ville and I am proud to say that we finally have broadband internet!
I'm listening to an interview of Joe Lieberman that is available on The Compassionate Community. I must have missed when Jonathan sat in for Lee Cruse. I remember the radio show on January 14th or so when I was a guest. Sen. Lieberman was supposed to have been on but there were some scheduling matters. It's a good interview.
Discuss amongst yourselves...
I'm listening to an interview of Joe Lieberman that is available on The Compassionate Community. I must have missed when Jonathan sat in for Lee Cruse. I remember the radio show on January 14th or so when I was a guest. Sen. Lieberman was supposed to have been on but there were some scheduling matters. It's a good interview.
Discuss amongst yourselves...
Kerry praised by jury
The Boston Globe reports of a recent incident where Senator John F. Kerry was recently called to jury duty.
By the way, his brother, Cam Kerry, has a campaign site up at CamKerry.com. Cam is running for Secretary of State in Massachusetts.
Cynthia Lovell, a registered Republican, voted for President Bush a year ago, but during 90 minutes behind closed doors with his rival, Senator John F. Kerry, yesterday, she had to admit he was a smart, down-to-earth guy.I'm glad he got some positive press for a change.
Joe Wesolaski, who works for a brokerage firm, declined to say how he voted but emerged from the same closed-door session praising Kerry as a natural leader who was eager to hear everyone's point of view.
Kerry the presidential candidate may have been a loser. But Kerry the jury foreman appeared to be a winner.
Massachusetts' junior senator led a Suffolk Superior Court jury that rejected a claim by two friends who sued a city worker for personal injuries they said stemmed from a car collision in August 2000 on Park Drive. The case lasted only two days, but it didn't take long for Kerry to win over his fellow jurors.
"I just found him to be a knowledgeable, normal person," said Lovell, a Charlestown nurse. "He kept us focused. He wanted us all to have our own say."
Wesolaski said Kerry went around the table making sure his 11 fellow jurors felt they had an opportunity to air their opinions.
During breaks, Wesolaski and the senator discussed their mutual passion for bicycling. Wesolaski said he gave Kerry his phone number so they can arrange a bike ride.
As the jurors left the courtroom after the verdict, Kerry could be overhead promising Wesolaski he would call him.
"It was great, really a positive experience," Wesolaski said. "I hope to hear from him."
Kerry, the only juror wearing a suit and tie, declined to discuss the case but told reporters afterward he was as surprised as anyone when no lawyer on either side sought to excuse him. He said he has been called for jury duty twice and got bounced both times because, he suspected, he had been a Middlesex County prosecutor in the 1970s.
The Democratic presidential candidate said he was delighted to participate in the trial, which had begun Monday.
"I enjoyed it," he said as he and a handful of jurors gathered for an impromptu news conference inside the courtroom at Suffolk Superior Court. "It was very interesting and very instructive. Every citizen should do it."
Lovell said she sensed that Kerry wanted to keep a low profile during deliberations, but one of the jurors promptly suggested he be elected foreman because of his experience in the limelight and skills as a public speaker. Kerry agreed to do it and began discussing the evidence.
Lovell was so impressed by the senator that she said she regrets voting for Bush.
Kerry is one of several notable Massachusetts public officials to be called for jury service in recent months. In January, US Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Breyer was called for jury duty in Marlborough. In July, Mayor Thomas M. Menino of Boston was summoned to Suffolk Superior Court. Both were excused.
But none of the lawyers in this case objected to Kerry being on the jury.[...]
"I just think the city and state go hand in hand," he said, shaking his head. "I don't think he should have gone on the jury."
By the way, his brother, Cam Kerry, has a campaign site up at CamKerry.com. Cam is running for Secretary of State in Massachusetts.
I'll be on hiatus for much of the weekend due to the holiday. Maybe a Thanksgiving post tomorrow before heading down to Bowling Green for the holiday.
In Oregon, Governor Ted Kulongoski is running for re-election.
Joseph "Beau" Biden III announced he would run for Attorney General in Delaware.
This is interesting and comes from one of my favorite poltical sites out there, Politics1.com.
I also have to commend Senator Barack Obama on his recent Iraq speech to the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations. He announced the policy critique to an audience of 500.
Here is one writeup of the Jean Schmidt spoof on Saturday Night Live.
Josh Beckett and Mike Lowell, both of the Florida Marlins, are both headed to Boston, Massachusetts. In other news, it doesn't look like Manny Ramirez is coming back the Red Sox.
Former Governor and current State Senator Julian Carroll will have a role in the 2006 and, maybe, the 2007 elections here in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. I blogged at the beginning of October about this plan.
David Hawpe suggests that Daniel Groves run for Congress against Congressman Ben Chandler. This is a load of bullcrap if you ask me. Chandler wins regardless.
One post from me tomorrow, but that's pretty much it for the weekend.
In Oregon, Governor Ted Kulongoski is running for re-election.
Joseph "Beau" Biden III announced he would run for Attorney General in Delaware.
This is interesting and comes from one of my favorite poltical sites out there, Politics1.com.
It's just a rumor, but the current buzz in the Buckeye State is that Congressman Ted Strickland (D) will ask his friend Congressman Sherrod Brown (D) to be his runningmate for Lieutenant Governor next year. Brown is currently a candidate for US Senate in the primary against attorney and Iraq War veteran Paul Hackett (D), with the winner facing incumbent Mike DeWine (R) in the general election. The move -- if it happens -- would leave Hackett unopposed in the Dem Senate primary. Strickland and Hackett are both from the more centrist, pro-gun faction of the Demicratic Party, while Brown is a more traditional liberal.That would be an interesting move and would make for an unopposed primary. I honestly like both candidates the more I read about each. I side with David Sirota and Tim Russo on the Hackett-Brown blogging ceasefire.
I also have to commend Senator Barack Obama on his recent Iraq speech to the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations. He announced the policy critique to an audience of 500.
Sen. Barack Obama said President Bush should admit mistakes in waging the Iraq war and reduce the number of troops stationed there in the next year. But the Illinois Democrat, a longtime opponent of the war, said U.S. forces remain "part of a solution" in the bitterly divided country and should not be withdrawn immediately.[...]Funny story about Obama. I never met him in Illinois when I was a student at Bradley and didn't know who he was until he was named as the DNC keynote speaker in 2004.
"Those of us in Washington have fallen behind the debate that is taking place across America on Iraq. We are failing to provide leadership on this issue," Obama said.
Here is one writeup of the Jean Schmidt spoof on Saturday Night Live.
Josh Beckett and Mike Lowell, both of the Florida Marlins, are both headed to Boston, Massachusetts. In other news, it doesn't look like Manny Ramirez is coming back the Red Sox.
Former Governor and current State Senator Julian Carroll will have a role in the 2006 and, maybe, the 2007 elections here in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. I blogged at the beginning of October about this plan.
Raising campaign contributions. Unifying various factions. Side-stepping contentious primary races. Even solidifying its public image.Sorry, Senator Lieberman, but I wanted Saddam out as much as you did. However, the way that this administration had handled thing sis just wrong.
Seeing that those remain the prime challenges for the party heading into the 2006 and '07 elections, former Democratic Gov. Julian Carroll has been privately pushing his political strategy -- which includes having a select group whittle down the field of potential nominees for the governor's race.
"I'm assuming a position of leadership in the party as a result of being re-elected to the Kentucky state Senate," said Carroll -- who won a seat that includes Frankfort and part of Lexington last November, a quarter-century after leaving the governor's mansion.
"I'm accepting the responsibility of restoring the proper image to the Democratic Party," he said. But some of the specifics of his plan, as he's explained it to other Democrats, have raised some red flags.[...]
"If this group has a way to avoid this and try to temper a potential fight, that could be a positive thing," said Jeremy Horton, co-founder of the grass-roots organization Change for Kentucky. "If it's a return to the smoky back rooms, that's not positive."
Henry said he would support the group if it discouraged the candidacies of people "who have run before or time and time again and have proven to be more disruptive to the Democratic Party." He declined to offer any names. "In the end, I think what this group will do is look at the candidates who are strong," Henry added.
David Hawpe suggests that Daniel Groves run for Congress against Congressman Ben Chandler. This is a load of bullcrap if you ask me. Chandler wins regardless.
One post from me tomorrow, but that's pretty much it for the weekend.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Bring Back Ken Lucas!
Ken Lucas may have to be drafted but we do our best to have a candidate facing Geoff Davis no matter how hard we try. While I don't know if Rep. Lucas is up to it, we cannot afford to let this race go unopposed.
On another note, I am bringing on some more bloggers to the Kentucky Democrat.
I just got off the phone with a prominent Northern Kentucky Democrat who tells me that a very aggressive effort is currently underway urging retired former Rep. Ken Lucas (D) to consider another run for his old congressional seat which is presently held by wing-nut Geoff Davis (R). Apparently, Lucas has been approached about the idea and has not closed the door to the possibility.We shall see what happens with this development.
Local democrats are hoping that Rep. Ben Chandler (D), who grew very close to Lucas' during their year together in Congress (before Lucas retired), can help to convince Lucas to challenge Davis. In 2002, Lucas defeated Davis by nearly four points.
On another note, I am bringing on some more bloggers to the Kentucky Democrat.
An Open Letter to Democratic Bloggers
In response to today's front page entry at Daily Kos, I posted the following as a statement of sorts:
I am a DLC member and I am great friends with the Change for KY coordinator in my state. I have nothing but the greatest respect for Chairman Dean and Democracy for America. Can we please come to a ceasefire on all sides?
Listen, I am not attacking Dean on my blog nor any other Democrat for that matter. It's getting hard for me to defend even Senator Lieberman with his voting record of late.
I don't trash DFA at all. Can we have a truce or something on both sides. When Governor Vilsack posts on Daily Kos as a means of reaching out, doesn't that mean anything at all?
We are getting into the 2006 election season. The buck stops here with the infighting.
Thank you.
I am a DLC member and I am great friends with the Change for KY coordinator in my state. I have nothing but the greatest respect for Chairman Dean and Democracy for America. Can we please come to a ceasefire on all sides?
Listen, I am not attacking Dean on my blog nor any other Democrat for that matter. It's getting hard for me to defend even Senator Lieberman with his voting record of late.
I don't trash DFA at all. Can we have a truce or something on both sides. When Governor Vilsack posts on Daily Kos as a means of reaching out, doesn't that mean anything at all?
We are getting into the 2006 election season. The buck stops here with the infighting.
Thank you.
An update on KY-3?
Is State Senator Gerald Neal going to challenge Anne Northup? Until it is confirmed official, I don't know but that is what I'm hearing from the blogs.
As to Neal's background, he is a State Senator and lives out in the West End of Louisville. His candidacy, if confirmed, would help take votes from that side of the town. He is 60 years and two months old. Neal was educated at Kentucky State University, University of Louisville, and University of Michigan per his Senate website.
UPDATE: The Bridge has more. Neal has made no committment to the race yet.
Assuming this is true, Democrats now have a heavyweight challenger. This is great news.I also second the call to get a candidate against U.S. Representative Geoff Davis (R-KY4).
As to Neal's background, he is a State Senator and lives out in the West End of Louisville. His candidacy, if confirmed, would help take votes from that side of the town. He is 60 years and two months old. Neal was educated at Kentucky State University, University of Louisville, and University of Michigan per his Senate website.
UPDATE: The Bridge has more. Neal has made no committment to the race yet.
John F. Kennedy, Sr.: A Life Remembered

Born Brookline, Mass. (83 Beals Street) May 29, 1917
Died Dallas, Texas November 22, 1963
-Published "Why England Slept" in 1940 despite writing it in 1938
-Graduated Harvard in 1940
-Joined the Navy in 1941 and rose to the rank of lieutenant while commanding a PT boat.
-United States Congressman from 1947-1953
-United States Senator from 1953-1961
-Published "Profiles in Courage" in 1953
-Published "A Nation of Immigrants" in 1958
-Earned the Democratic nomination for the presidency on July 13, 1960
-Elected President of the United States on November 8, 1960
-Sworn in as the 35th President on January 20, 1961
Notable quotes:
On September 12, 1960: "I am not the Catholic candidate for President. I am the Democratic Party's candidate for President who happens also to be a Catholic. I do not speak for my Church on public matters - and the Church does not speak for me."
On September 14, 1960: "If by a 'Liberal' they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties — someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a 'Liberal,' then I'm proud to say I'm a 'Liberal.'"
Inaugural address on January 20, 1961: "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"
Jack, we will forever miss you. Rest in peace.
Quick one on Mean Jean
Julien's List has some more info such as Danny Bubp's side of the story. Let's not forget Ohio 2nd.
Let's not forget that it was the Bluegrass Report that broke the story. I only helped in getting the message out.
Let's not forget that it was the Bluegrass Report that broke the story. I only helped in getting the message out.
Almost break time...
I am pleased to announce that I was safely elected to serve a full term in the Student Senate.
It appears that Jean Schmidt's people must read blogs because the addresses are no longer up there.
Yesterday, the party sent out an email with the facts on Vice President Dick Cheney.
Hank Blalock is not leaving the Texas Rangers any time soon.
Yours, Mine, and Ours opens up this week. It should be a great film. I plan to see it this weekend!
Happy belated birthday to former St. Louis Cardinal Stan Musial. The Hall of Fame member turned 85 years old yesterday.
I reported about Emory University declaring war on Washington University in St. Louis a while back. Well, it looks like The Daily Show will not be doing a piece on it after all.
No, Mr. Vice President. You need to tone it down. Bush has but I still disagree. I thank the troops for serving irregardless of this war.
Update on former Senator Tom Daschle. His papers are headed to his alma mater, South Dakota State University.
Congressman Geoff Davis is in a bad spot. Murtha did not call for an immediate withdrawal, just strategic redeployment. It was framed as a withdrawal by the media but it was Duncan Hunter who called for an immediate withdrawal. By the way, there must be some civility in Congress remaining somewhere.
Senator Lieberman will be observing Thanksgiving with our troops.
It appears that Jean Schmidt's people must read blogs because the addresses are no longer up there.
Yesterday, the party sent out an email with the facts on Vice President Dick Cheney.
Hank Blalock is not leaving the Texas Rangers any time soon.
Yours, Mine, and Ours opens up this week. It should be a great film. I plan to see it this weekend!
Happy belated birthday to former St. Louis Cardinal Stan Musial. The Hall of Fame member turned 85 years old yesterday.
I reported about Emory University declaring war on Washington University in St. Louis a while back. Well, it looks like The Daily Show will not be doing a piece on it after all.
No, Mr. Vice President. You need to tone it down. Bush has but I still disagree. I thank the troops for serving irregardless of this war.
Update on former Senator Tom Daschle. His papers are headed to his alma mater, South Dakota State University.
South Dakota State University will be the home for former Sen. Tom Daschle's official papers.Rumor has it that he may be getting an Emmy nomination...
The more than 1,500 boxes will become part of the university's Archives and Special Collections. Daschle is a 1969 graduate of SDSU.
The collection will include letters, photographs, official papers and campaign memorabilia. The heralded scrapbooks compiled through the years by his mother, Betty Daschle of Aberdeen, also will be part of the collection.
Congressman Geoff Davis is in a bad spot. Murtha did not call for an immediate withdrawal, just strategic redeployment. It was framed as a withdrawal by the media but it was Duncan Hunter who called for an immediate withdrawal. By the way, there must be some civility in Congress remaining somewhere.
Senator Lieberman will be observing Thanksgiving with our troops.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Breaking: Mean Jean Schmidt violates rules
A quick visit to her campaign site will show that Jean Schmidt has violated House ethics rules on campaigning and House logos. Don't credit me for this one. Credit the Bluegrass Report.
Capture of website:
Unfortunately, the home page of Rep. Schmidt's campaign website contains not only the address and telephone numbers of all four of her official congressional offices, but also contains a banner photo of her standing in front of the United States Capitol, as well as the official seal of the House of Representatives which hyper-links to the House website.The House Ethics Committee publishes the Campaign Activity manual. The manual, as Mark points out, clearly states:
In reproducing such materials, the campaign must remove all official indicia, such as the official letterhead from a press release that the congressional office had issued, and any references to the address or telephone number of the congressional office. The name of any congressional staff contact that appeared in the material as issued originally must also be deleted. Subject to the same requirements, such materials may also be posted on the Member’s campaign Web site.Add Jean Schmidt to the list of people that need to be investigated. This is a major story that needs to get out in the mainstream.
Capture of website:

Kentucky vs. Iowa
This is a the second semi-final game of the Guardians Classic. The Wildcats take on the Iowa Hawkeyes. UK is 7th in the ESPN poll and Iowa is 17th.
UK Starters:
C-Shagari Alleyne
F-Rekalin Sims
G-Joe Crawford
G-Rajon Rondo
G-Patric Sparks
I will live-blog every game this season if I am near a PC.
13:31 (TV Timeout) UK 15, Iowa 12
11:49 (TV Timeout) UK 15, Iowa 13
7:39 (TV Timeout) UK 20, Iowa 18
2:46 (TV Timeout) UK 29, Iowa 30
0:25 (Iowa Timeout) UK 31, Iowa 34
14:42 (TV Timeout) UK 36, Iowa 40
14:00 (UK Timeout) UK 36, Iowa 40
11:50 (TV Timeout) UK 41, Iowa 42
6:32 (UK Timeout) UK 51, Iowa 53
6:03 (TV Timeout) UK 51, Iowa 53
3:55 (TV Timeout) UK 56, Iowa 58
1:58 (Iowa Timeout) UK 58, Iowa 59
0:26.6 (Iowa Timeout) UK 61, Iowa 62
0:01.4 (UK Timeout) UK 63, Iowa 65
0:00.9 (Iowa Timeout) UK 63, Iowa 67
Final Score: UK 63, Iowa 67
Should have given the ball to Patrick...
UK Starters:
C-Shagari Alleyne
F-Rekalin Sims
G-Joe Crawford
G-Rajon Rondo
G-Patric Sparks
I will live-blog every game this season if I am near a PC.
13:31 (TV Timeout) UK 15, Iowa 12
11:49 (TV Timeout) UK 15, Iowa 13
7:39 (TV Timeout) UK 20, Iowa 18
2:46 (TV Timeout) UK 29, Iowa 30
0:25 (Iowa Timeout) UK 31, Iowa 34
14:42 (TV Timeout) UK 36, Iowa 40
14:00 (UK Timeout) UK 36, Iowa 40
11:50 (TV Timeout) UK 41, Iowa 42
6:32 (UK Timeout) UK 51, Iowa 53
6:03 (TV Timeout) UK 51, Iowa 53
3:55 (TV Timeout) UK 56, Iowa 58
1:58 (Iowa Timeout) UK 58, Iowa 59
0:26.6 (Iowa Timeout) UK 61, Iowa 62
0:01.4 (UK Timeout) UK 63, Iowa 65
0:00.9 (Iowa Timeout) UK 63, Iowa 67
Final Score: UK 63, Iowa 67
Should have given the ball to Patrick...
NKY Veterans on Geoff Davis
In the press release today, the Democratic Veterans of Northern Kentucky asked for an apology from Congressman Geoff Davis (R-KY).
The Northern Kentucky Democratic Veterans organization has called for an apology from 4th District Congressman Geoff Davis for the remarks he made about Democrats and specifically Congressman John Murtha (D-Pennsylvania). "Even President Bush on Sunday toned down the attacks by GOP members on the Iraq war critics," said NKY Veteran steering committee member, Roger Braden. "He has dishonored himself and offended our veterans by attacking Congressman Murtha and all veterans who wish to have a dialogue about the war in Iraq," added Braden.[...]I thank all them for serving and call on Geoff Davis to apologize.
Additionally, on Friday evening, Davis continued his assault on Murtha when he spoke on the house floor during a heated session regarding a resolution to immediately withdraw troops from Iraq. "Davis doesn’t want to allow any dialogue about Iraq, even from an honored war veteran and retired Marine Corps colonel like John Murtha. Davis doesn’t have a fraction of the war knowledge or leadership skills of Congressman Murtha, and he has disrespected him," said Braden. "This conduct is unbecoming of a congressman and especially of a military veteran," continued Braden.[...]
Northern Kentucky Democratic Veterans do not believe it is unpatriotic to have a dialogue and to listen to members of congress discuss a plan for exiting Iraq. "The goals for this mission have changed and our troops have fulfilled the mission they believed they were to accomplish—to remove Sadaam Hussein and liberate the Iraqi people. With the increasing insurgent attacks and un-secure borders, it is evident this conflict has escalated into something our present day military cannot sustain," said NKY Democratic Veteran, John Eidemiller. "Our troops have now become the target of the insurgency, and are the common enemy of the terrorists, and it is time to incentivize the Iraqis to take control of their own protection," he added.
Another active member of the Veteran’s organization, Ron Cropper, remarked "The recent statements of both Geoff Davis and Jean Schmidt regarding Congressman Murtha are utterly reprehensible and clearly show they are nothing more than shills for the GOP. Their partisan, personal attacks on a man who has honorably served his country his entire life simply because he offered an opinion that they don’t agree with is evidence of their 'lockstep' mentality and vacuous leadership."
Linda Klembara announces
I just got back from Linda Klembara's candidacy announcement. I can say that a fun time was had by all and that there is a momentum of energy in the Democratic party. It was nice meeting new faces and meeting old friends.
Linda Klembara delivered a moving speech as she announced her candidacy for the Kentucky House of Representatives. I am confident that she will join Randy Blankenship and Rep. Dennis Keene come January 2007!
Campbell County Chairman Ken Mullikin introduced Linda. Before introducing her, he introduced the elected officials in attendence: Kenton Co. PVA Merrick Krey, Campbell Co. Commissioner Ken Rechtin, Campbell Co. Clerk Jack Snodgrass, Campbell County Attorney Justin Verst, Campbell Co. Circuit Clerk Thomas Calme, Campbell County Commonwealth Attorney Jack Porter, State Rep. Dennis Keene and former State Rep. Jim Callahan. Kenton Co. Chairwoman Kathy Groob was in attendence.
Joining her family in attendence were Kenton and Campbell County Democrats. Change for Kentucky was represented. The Woman's Network was represented. Both College and Young Democrats were in attendence. Labor members were there as well.
In her speech, she talked about her middle class values. She is pro-life and supports the 2nd amendment. I have no problem with that at all.
Other than her announcement, the big news of the night was Mean Jean Schmidt and her remarks from Friday night which recieved national attention and was spoofed on Saturday Night Live.
I had a great time tonight and even had my workout walking the half a mile or so to get to the Highland Heights Civic Center.
Here is the press release issued afterwards:
Linda Klembara delivered a moving speech as she announced her candidacy for the Kentucky House of Representatives. I am confident that she will join Randy Blankenship and Rep. Dennis Keene come January 2007!
Campbell County Chairman Ken Mullikin introduced Linda. Before introducing her, he introduced the elected officials in attendence: Kenton Co. PVA Merrick Krey, Campbell Co. Commissioner Ken Rechtin, Campbell Co. Clerk Jack Snodgrass, Campbell County Attorney Justin Verst, Campbell Co. Circuit Clerk Thomas Calme, Campbell County Commonwealth Attorney Jack Porter, State Rep. Dennis Keene and former State Rep. Jim Callahan. Kenton Co. Chairwoman Kathy Groob was in attendence.
Joining her family in attendence were Kenton and Campbell County Democrats. Change for Kentucky was represented. The Woman's Network was represented. Both College and Young Democrats were in attendence. Labor members were there as well.
In her speech, she talked about her middle class values. She is pro-life and supports the 2nd amendment. I have no problem with that at all.
Other than her announcement, the big news of the night was Mean Jean Schmidt and her remarks from Friday night which recieved national attention and was spoofed on Saturday Night Live.
I had a great time tonight and even had my workout walking the half a mile or so to get to the Highland Heights Civic Center.
Here is the press release issued afterwards:
Linda Klembara officially announced her candidacy today for the 68th District House of Representatives seat at the City Building in Highland Heights.
Klembara, a 52-year old former educator, enters the House of Representatives race with a background as a high school math teacher and an elementary school principal. The crowd of 175 attending the event enthusiastically welcomed her candidacy.
Teachers who served under Klembara’s leadership as school principal see her as a dedicated, committed leader – one who rolls up her sleeves and gets the job done.
Erika Bowles, a former teacher under Klembara’s leadership, said "Linda Klembara will be a phenomenal State Representative." Another former teacher, T. W. Loring, said, "I have seen, first-hand, her ability to lead and her ability to unite a school and a community for the common good of families."
Klembara said her campaign will be focused on issues such as a providing adequate funding to ensure a quality education for every child, creating measures to strengthen the structures that make families strong, such as secure retirement plans and affordable health care, and working to bring more business and industry to Northern Kentucky.
"I will reach across the aisle to work for win-win solutions," said Klembara. "My issues are issues that cross the partisan divide. As a school principal, my job was to bring multiple opinions to the table and to work collaboratively to find solutions
through consensus."
Klembara stressed that we need to move beyond politics and work together for the greater good of Northern Kentucky. "I am not a politician," she said, "but I am a leader. We don’t need a politician who can talk the talk; we need a leader who will walk the walk."
Anne Wilhoite, a former student of Klembara’s, praised her saying, "she is a true leader who has the courage to think creatively to solve problems. She can make things happen. She has a passion for her community that is contagious."
Parents whose children Klembara taught see her as a highly qualified, dedicated public servant. Joan Gregory, parent of two of Klembara’s former students, said, "I am thrilled that we have someone willing to represent us in Frankfort who is as knowledgeable and committed to education as Linda is. She understands what families need and based on her dedication to my children, I know she will make a real difference for all of us in the district."
Klembara promised a grassroots campaign that will reach out to all the people of the 68th district.
It's afternoon, quick update
I have recieved word that the Lexington Herald Leader is looking for a community columnist. Let's get a Democrat in that position. Contact Dale Emmons if you're interested.
In the latest edition of the Bridge, albeit a special edition, Dr. Ted notes that Louisville/Jefferson County Democratic Party Chairman Tim Longmeyer should get a retired military officer to run if no one else comes forward.
Mark D. Birdwhistell has been named the new secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services.
I plan to announce a winner for the caption contest this evening after I get back from the Klembara announcement.
In the latest edition of the Bridge, albeit a special edition, Dr. Ted notes that Louisville/Jefferson County Democratic Party Chairman Tim Longmeyer should get a retired military officer to run if no one else comes forward.
I believe that it's time for a new (maybe unknown) Democrat to come forth to challenge Ms. Northup. Tim Longmeyer, the Louisville-Jefferson County Democratic Chair, has suggested that the Party recruit a retired military officer to challenge Ms. Northup. Look how well Col Paul Hackett did in a conservative Ohio District. Such a person would put Anne Northup and her attack team at a strategic disadvantage. They would have a hard time challenging this person's credentials and record? And the Republicans have longed argued for a new class of public servants called--politician-citizens, such as Colonel Mike Weaver of Hardin County. (I had rather not mention the name of any potential politician-citizen in case that he/she does not want to run.)I know from what I have heard that Joni is not running. Tom Owen is not running. We know Jerry won't run.
Or perhaps one of the Democrats' new lions can run against Ms. Northup. This area has several young Democrats who are political comers. If not now, then when should they run? Look how well young Jack Conway did against Anne Northup in 02.
If not a Colonel or a young Democratic lion or lioness, then how about a tough, smart, and politically experienced female to run against Anne. Ever since Ms. Northup has been the area's Congressperson, I have heard the argument that only a woman could beat her because the 3rd District has more female than male voters. Without mentioning any names, there are more than one or two woman who have such grit who have such experience who are good speakers and would give Anne the battle of her life. Are you listening Joni, Denise, Cheri, Virginia and Audrey?
Mark D. Birdwhistell has been named the new secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services.
I plan to announce a winner for the caption contest this evening after I get back from the Klembara announcement.
Caption Contest

"President Bush was deeply saddened when he was informed that the ornate door handle was not, in fact, a draft beer dispenser."
Monday, Monday
As you can tell, I have put up another caption contest.
As a reminder, educator Linda Klembara will be announcing her candidacy for the state house today at 5:30 PM over at the Highland Heighst Civic Center just off of campus.
Virginia Governor Mark Warner, a native of Indiana, has told the citizens of New Hampshire "goodbye" for the time being. I won't be surprised if he heads back there anytime soon. He's a contender in 2008. I won't lie but I like the idea of Bayh/Warner or Bayh/Feingold.
Paul McCartney's latest single, "Jenny Wren," is released today.
I'm not sure why but most of the news links on papers run by Gannett are running very slowly today.
The Indy Star believes that Senators Bayh and Lugar are on the right path when it comes to energy independence.
Mitch is raising money even though he's not allowed to announce his candidacy until November 2007 or so but he is running for re-election. I could be wrong on the technicalities of that.
Link Wray has died at 76. The rock guitar pioneer invented the power chord.
As a reminder, educator Linda Klembara will be announcing her candidacy for the state house today at 5:30 PM over at the Highland Heighst Civic Center just off of campus.
Virginia Governor Mark Warner, a native of Indiana, has told the citizens of New Hampshire "goodbye" for the time being. I won't be surprised if he heads back there anytime soon. He's a contender in 2008. I won't lie but I like the idea of Bayh/Warner or Bayh/Feingold.
Officially, Warner says he's undecided about whether he'll run for president in 2008. He speaks in the code preferred by noncommittal candidates who -- like himself -- have also traveled to Iowa, established a national political action committee and spoken at multiple Jefferson-Jackson Day dinners across the country.You mean there's a code? That's news to me!
"I want to be part of the debate" and "help shape the Democratic Party's agenda," says Warner, who is sitting in the back seat of his campaign van -- or whatever one calls a vehicle that squires around a politician who wants "to be part of the debate" and "help shape the Democratic Party's agenda."
Paul McCartney's latest single, "Jenny Wren," is released today.
I'm not sure why but most of the news links on papers run by Gannett are running very slowly today.
The Indy Star believes that Senators Bayh and Lugar are on the right path when it comes to energy independence.
Mitch is raising money even though he's not allowed to announce his candidacy until November 2007 or so but he is running for re-election. I could be wrong on the technicalities of that.
That appears to be all well and good for McConnell, who raised more than $1.7 million this year in Kentucky alone for a re-election campaign that remains three years away. His fund-raising efforts were largely driven by major events in eight cities, capped by nearly $260,000 donated in Lexington and close to $800,000 at a Louisville reception.We cannot let Mitch McConnell go unopposed. Is anyone willing to run against him?
"I've always believed it was important to be well-funded early," said McConnell. When asked whether he thought that might discourage a serious challenger, he calmly replied, "You never know. I can only control what I do."
He also said 2005 was an ideal time to solicit donations because Kentucky didn't have any elections, which is the case one year in every four. That way, he wasn't interfering with other candidates' fund-raising.
The campaign for Gov. Ernie Fletcher's re-election, which comes a year before McConnell's, has taken a different tack.
Link Wray has died at 76. The rock guitar pioneer invented the power chord.
This style was copied by a host of acts from Lou Reed to the Ramones.
Who guitarist and songwriter Pete Townshend was another star he inspired.
Townshend said: "He is the king. If it hadn't been for Link Wray and Rumble I would have never picked up a guitar."
Neil Young once said: "If I could go back in time and see any band, it would be Link Wray and the Raymen."
Quote of the Day
"I am now running as one on the correct side, and running against someone on the dangerous side. No more right or left for me. From now on, The Democratic philosophy that has been called The Left, for so long, will now be The Correct Position, not the Left Position. So when someone says to me, "You are on the left." I will say, No I am part of the Correct Position. The Neo Conservative Radical Republican Right, will now be The Party of Danger."
--Barry Welsh on dKos, November 21, 2005
As I commented on the diary entry, for the past year or so, I have referred to myself as a moderate or a progressive centrist.
--Barry Welsh on dKos, November 21, 2005
As I commented on the diary entry, for the past year or so, I have referred to myself as a moderate or a progressive centrist.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
In the name of everything holy, shame on those that have made the United States unprepared for the bird flu.
The U.S. is unprepared for the next flu pandemic, lacking the manufacturing capacity to provide 300 million doses of a vaccine for three to five more years, Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt said Sunday.Perhaps now is the time that everybody starts praying but if this country is unprepared, we are all screwed. I hope this is not a case of the media's agenda framing to scare us.
"What we all learned from (Hurricane) Katrina is that sometimes we have to think very clearly about the unthinkable," Leavitt said. "We're not as prepared as we need to be. ...We will not have enough for everyone."
A strain of a bird flu that has killed 67 people in Asia has sparked concerns of a super-flu that could kill millions worldwide, and U.S. officials acknowledge that the strain in its current form could reach here through a migratory bird.
While stressing that chances remain slight, health experts say it could lead to a global pandemic if the bird flu mutates to start spreading easily among people.
"We can't put a number on how probable that's going to be," said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the infectious disease division of the National Institutes of Health. "It's a low probability. When the consequences are unimaginable, you must assume the worst-case scenario."
Added Dr. Michael Ryan of the World Health Organization: "This is certainly a dangerous virus, and it has crossed the species barrier now in 130 cases. We're probably closer to a pandemic at any time in the last 37 years."
The U.S., which has not seen any signs of the strain in birds or people, has only enough doses now for 4.3 million people.
President Bush has proposed stockpiling enough of the anti-flu drugs Tamiflu and Relenza for 81 million people, a goal drug manufacturers believe they can reach by the middle of next year, said Dr. Julie Gerberding, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
"We're not prepared for vaccination, that's why we need to scale up. We are doing studies to extend the value of the vaccine ... allowing us to vaccinate more people with the same doses," so the timeframe might be quicker, she said.
Leavitt said the low supply means state and local governments will have to make tough choices on how best to allocate the vaccine should an outbreak occur. The federal government has suggested top priority be given to first responders.
Robert F. Kennedy, Sr.: A Life Remembered

Kennedy served as Attorney General for his brother's administration and ultimately left then-President Johnson's administration in 1964. He moved to New York where he ran for the United States Senate in 1964. He would serve until his untimely death in 1968. Unlike his brother, Senator Kennedy was opposed to the conflict in Vietnam and was an advocate against the conflict. On March 18, 1968, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Sr. announced that he would run for president.
It is hard to imagine what the world would have been like had he not been killed. I believe that he would have been elected President of the United States if he wasn't killed. He was an inspiration to many of us, myself included.
Here are some of his notable quotes. Here is one on leadership:
People are selfish, but they can also be compassionate and generous, and they care about the country. But not when they feel threatened. That's why this is such a crucial time. We can go in either direction. But if we don't make a choice soon, it will be too late to turn things around. I think people are willing to make the right choice. But they need leadership. They're hungry for leadership.Senator Edward Moore "Ted" Kennedy had some remarks that were shown on C-SPAN along with Senator Barack Obama.
Just like his brother Jack, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and President Abraham Lincoln, his life on this planet is a blessing though it was short-lived.
Related Posts:
12/14/04: Robert Kennedy
12/16/04: More on Sen. Robert Kennedy
Breaking: Ariel Sharon to quit Likud
Ariel Sharon is expected to quit his Likud party.
This is a developing story. From what I have read so far, he is going to set up a new party.
This is a developing story. From what I have read so far, he is going to set up a new party.
Abramson vs. Downard
Just a quick update...I did update my other post since I went to bed early this morning.
Louisville Mayor-for-Life Jerry Abramson has doubled Councilman Kelly Downard in finances.
The fight to derail smoking on campus has only just begun. Non-smokers are glad, at I least I know I am, that a new policy will be in effect when students move in next fall.
Louisville Mayor-for-Life Jerry Abramson has doubled Councilman Kelly Downard in finances.
According to the report, Abramson has raised $612,240 since he last filed in November 2004 -- four months before Downard, a Metro Council member, announced he would try to unseat the longtime mayor.It should be noted that some people contributed to both campaigns.
"This is the greatest outpouring of financial support I've had this early in a race," Abramson said, noting that he received more than 1,000 contributions from every ZIP code in Jefferson County and that he received nearly $15,000 in unitemized contributions of less than $100.
"I'm sure when the race truly begins, we'll be able to raise additional funds," he said, adding that so far, "It's not been an aggressive effort...I haven't been spending day and night doing this. I've made some calls, had some fund-raisers."
Downard, who announced his candidacy last March and was required to report campaign finances in July and October, reported raising nearly $226,000 by the end of September.
Riggs Lewis, Downard's campaign chairman, said last week that the campaign now has raised just over $300,000.
Downard's campaign downplayed the importance of Abramson's fund-raising advantage, saying that it expects the incumbent to out raise Downard because he's been in politics for more than two decades.[...]
He noted that Downard hasn't held any fund-raisers outside Louisville -- unlike Abramson, who raised $22,425 at a fund-raiser in Lexington sponsored by former state Democratic Party Chairman Terry McBrayer.
According to the report, Abramson didn't actively begin raising money until April 19 when Frost Brown Todd, his old law firm, held a fund-raising event that garnered $42,750.
So far, lawyers and people associated with them have contributed the biggest lump of money to his campaign -- more than $110,000.[...]
The bulk of Abramson's campaign money has come from 20 fund-raising events held by supporters throughout the community.
The fight to derail smoking on campus has only just begun. Non-smokers are glad, at I least I know I am, that a new policy will be in effect when students move in next fall.
Sunday Updates
Don't forget that Jack Conway is on WAVE 3 at 11 AM this morning! For anyone that watches that, let me know how it went since I can't get WAVE 3 in Northern KY.
Some Delaware news, Joseph "Beau" Biden III is a candidate for Attorney General in 2006. He is the son of Senator Biden and has my endorsement in 2006.
Interesting. Kentucky will not play in Cincinnati after this season.
Congressman Patrick Kennedy will be in the Cincinnati area tonight.
The day I've feared all semester long: Indianapolis vs. Cincinnati. Colts all the way! I despise the Bengals.
Former Senator Bob Graham has an editorial in the Washington Post that he should be commended for!
Some Delaware news, Joseph "Beau" Biden III is a candidate for Attorney General in 2006. He is the son of Senator Biden and has my endorsement in 2006.
But Biden, a Wilmington attorney and the son of Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., refused to comment about whether he wants to be considered to fill the year remaining in the term of Attorney General M. Jane Brady, who will leave the job next month to take a Superior Court judgeship.David Hawpe, in his op-ed today, has apologized for attacking Jack Conway.
"I'm not going to comment on any of that stuff," Biden, 35, said.[...]
Beau Biden has been among several lawyers mentioned as possible attorney general candidates since Brady beat Democrat Carl Schnee and Green Party candidate Vivian Houghton in 2004. He has been courted by state Democratic leaders and party activists and has been considering a run for the past year.
"I am going to run for attorney general next year," Biden said Thursday. "I am getting a committee together and plan to make a formal announcement next spring."
Minner said Biden has the stuff to be an "outstanding" candidate and attorney general.
State Democratic Chairman John Daniello said he agrees and thinks Biden made a wise choice if, as other party veterans said, he has taken his name out of consideration for an appointment.
"It sends a powerful message that he's confident that he's got the experience and ability to handle the job," he said.
Northup is right that I was too personal in attacking Jack Conway for his decision not to run. I apologize. Conway's decision means voters probably won't have an opportunity for an up or down vote on their representative's performance. I'm sorry about that, too.Jim Parker, a former constituent of Jack Murtha, is the only declared candidate against Rep. Jean Schmidt. This is a very important race now. He needs your support.
Interesting. Kentucky will not play in Cincinnati after this season.
Congressman Patrick Kennedy will be in the Cincinnati area tonight.
Lately the Democrats have been luring some pretty big names to the Bluegrass-Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., then Sen. Hilary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., and now Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-R.I. The youngest son of Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., will be the special guest at an event hosted by Alice Sparks (who may be the only Northern Kentuckian to have hobnobbed with the Kennedys in Hyannis), Cincinnati attorney Stan Chesley and Cincinnati consultant Dick Weiland.Sounds like that will be an interesting evening. I know if I had a car, I'd be there in an instant.
Sparks said Kennedy's visit to Weiland's home was spurred by Weiland's and Chesley's desire to thank him for his efforts on pro-Israel legislation. Sparks became acquainted with Kennedy through his chairmanship of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and his work with Scotty Baesler, a former congressman and mayor from Lexington.
"We've stayed pretty good friends," Sparks said.
The event takes place Nov. 21 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Weiland's home at 2444 Madison Ave. in Cincinnati. The event is not a fundraiser, but donations are suggested and welcome.
The day I've feared all semester long: Indianapolis vs. Cincinnati. Colts all the way! I despise the Bengals.
Former Senator Bob Graham has an editorial in the Washington Post that he should be commended for!
The president's attacks are outrageous. Yes, more than 100 Democrats voted to authorize him to take the nation to war. Most of them, though, like their Republican colleagues, did so in the legitimate belief that the president and his administration were truthful in their statements that Saddam Hussein was a gathering menace -- that if Hussein was not disarmed, the smoking gun would become a mushroom cloud.Go to the link for me but it is definitely worth the read. He was the chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and even he voted against the resolution.
The president has undermined trust. No longer will the members of Congress be entitled to accept his veracity. Caveat emptor has become the word. Every member of Congress is on his or her own to determine the truth.
C-J Editorials
Some of these appeared in the Courier-Journal on Saturday.
I believe I said so the other day but David Hawpe's column was uncalled for in his bashing of Jack Conway.
I believe I said so the other day but David Hawpe's column was uncalled for in his bashing of Jack Conway.
Avoid 'media assaults'I applaud all these writers.
So David Hawpe is upset that Jack Conway wants to pursue his personal and professional life in private. Is it no wonder that a person might want to avoid the daily media assaults and privacy invasions that all our elected officials are subjected to?
If Hawpe feels so strongly about the congressional race, why doesn't he...run for office himself?
'Conway deserves respect'
I found it very interesting how David Hawpe's Nov. 16 attack on Jack Conway's choice not to run against U.S. Rep. Anne Northup was filled with irony. Hawpe accused Conway of making this decision based on his own personal reasons, "big-payoff legal cases" being one of them, and he spiced up the accusation by implying that Conway is gutless and self-serving.
It is Hawpe who is self-serving. Having a Democrat in that office would afford Hawpe greater access to being "in the know," and the possibility of his being in a more influential position to carry out his own personal agenda, i.e., his vendetta to rid our country of the "craven fealty" of the Republicans.
Conway is a very bright and focused individual who is dedicated to the Democratic Party. My judgment is that his decision not to run is based on the possibility of success and not because he is a "coy princess" who has opted to abandon his party for his own personal gains.
What is clear, though, is Hawpe's continued display of...mean-spirited attacks on people who do not serve his cause. His negativity is disenfranchising your readers and is insulting. Conway deserves respect for his decision and better regard for the energy he has brought to the Democratic Party...
'Bush/Cheney cheerleader'
I love the pictures used with David Hawpe's Nov. 16 column. The one with U.S. Rep. Anne Northup covering her ears with her hands is how she reacts to her constituents' requests and concerns, especially from those who represent working families.
The other pictures clearly show that she is a Bush/Cheney cheerleader. It will be amusing to watch her try to shed that image over the next year. I hope the voters will cut and save Hawpe's column for future reference about Northup's position on the issues that really count in our daily struggles to survive this administration.
Scared off challengers
I noted with interest David Hawpe's column concerning the likelihood that U.S. Rep. Anne Northup will "get a pass this next election." Hawpe cites several of Northup's less popular positions -- such as support for the ill-advised war in Iraq, tax cuts for the rich, and privatizing Social Security -- suggesting that these stands could become a campaign liability.
But Northup held all of those positions during the last campaign, too, with not a peep from Hawpe during the 2004 campaign season. Hawpe casually dismisses Tony Miller, Northup's 2004 opponent, implying without backup that Miller failed to demonstrate the "courage, conviction and commitment" that Hawpe longs for in a Democratic candidate.
Perhaps if certain prominent progressive Louisvillians had better promoted the Democratic cause in 2004, Northup's margin would not have sufficed to scare off potential challengers for 2006. Northup owes Hawpe a debt of gratitude.
2004 Press Secretary
Tony Miller for Congress
'Dripping with hypocrisy?'
Interesting that David Hawpe expresses his displeasure with the fact that "incumbents have enormous advantages" when it comes to getting re-elected. When it comes to Rep. Anne Northup, you can feel his pain as he searches for some way to overcome the unfair advantage she has in retaining her seat in Congress.
I wonder how many similar columns Hawpe wrote when an individual from his party held this same congressional seat for 12 terms in a row; that's 24 consecutive years. Did Hawpe express similar disgust with a system that gave him the advantages of incumbency as he was re-elected over and over? Or is his latest hit piece against Northup dripping with hypocrisy?
I only hope that one day Hawpe will break the chains of his blatant partisanship and come to the realization that the people of the 3rd District overwhelmingly think that Northup represents this community well; that she has a firm grasp of the issues at hand...and she offers solutions that are representative of the values of this community.
Hawpe should run
David Hawpe's attack on Jack Conway is not surprising. His all-talk-and-no-action politics is what is wrong with the Democratic Party in Louisville. He fuels the "I am so angry but someone else should fix it" syndrome.
Hawpe obviously knows all the issues. He should show his "courage, conviction and commitment" and run against Rep. Anne Northup instead of pointing his divisive ballpoint finger.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Danny Bubp
For those of you who followed the debate yesterday on the House floor, here is some extra information on the guy that was mentioned during the debate.
Col. Danny Bubp is a state representative from Ohio's 88th district and from what I read about him, he is a neo-conservative having been elected just last year on the GOP talking points.
Look at an article from the Cincinnati Enquirer article, for example:
Col. Danny Bubp is a state representative from Ohio's 88th district and from what I read about him, he is a neo-conservative having been elected just last year on the GOP talking points.
Look at an article from the Cincinnati Enquirer article, for example:
Danny Bubp, a West Union attorney facing retired educator Cy Richardson for the Ohio House of Representatives seat here, believes that's why he'll win.From his campaign site's biography:
Bubp, who grew up in Sardinia, calls the 88th district a "good Christian community" that's against abortion and same-sex marriage and protective of its right to bear arms.
"That's the kind of district I want to serve in," said Bubp, 50.
Military Service :There is a difference between Danny Bubp and Senator Max Cleland. That's why we have people to vote for in Kentucky like Colonel Mike Weaver!
1978 - Commissioned as Second Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps
1978-Present - Continues to serve in United States Marine Corps Reserve as a Colonel of Marines
1997-Present - Serves on the staff at the National Defense University, Washington, D.C. as Team Leader for the Reserve Component National Security Course
2003 - Graduate of Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island
2003 - Served on the J-3 Staff at United States Central Command, Tampa, Florida for General Tommy Franks in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom
Quote of the Day
"First, let’s be clear on what we are not saying. We are not saying that religion should be hidden from view. We have only respect for those elected officials who profess a deep religious belief, and we are appalled when media voices pour scorn on religious people.
"But we are saying that no matter how profoundly religion influences you, when you make a public argument, you must ground your statements in reason and in a language of morality that is accessible to everyone—to people of different religions or no religion at all. In our diverse democracy, Americans need a common political discourse not dominated by exclusivist theology. They do not want to hear that unless you attend my church, accept my God and study my sacred text, you cannot be a moral person.
"We are particularly offended by the suggestion that the opposite of the Religious Right is the voice of atheism. We are appalled when "people of faith" is used in such a way that it excludes us, as well as most Jews, Catholics, and Muslims. What could be more bigoted than to claim that you have a monopoly on God and that anyone who disagrees with you is not a person of faith?
"So we ask our neighbors on the Religious Right to take note: We are religious Jews, gathered in Houston to study, pray, and commit ourselves to God. And yes, we are generally liberal in our politics. But our liberalism flows directly from our religious commitments.
"And we worry that you don’t understand what this means, or what it means for anyone to be a liberal religious believer.
"What it means is this: that we bring a measure of humility to our religious belief. We study religious texts day and night, but we have no direct lines to heaven and we aren’t always sure that we know G-d’s will.
"It means believing that religion involves concern for the poor and the needy, and giving a fair shake to all. When people talk about G-d and yet ignore justice, it just feels downright wrong to us. When they cloak themselves in religion and forget mercy, it strikes us as blasphemy.
"It means that "family values" require providing health care to every child and that G-d cares about the 12 million children without health insurance.
"It means valuing a child with diabetes over a frozen embryo in a fertility clinic, and seeing the teaching of science as a primary social good.
"And it means reserving the right for each person to prayerfully make decisions for herself about when she dies."
--Rabbi Eric Yoffe speaking at the Houston Biennial, November 19, 2005
"But we are saying that no matter how profoundly religion influences you, when you make a public argument, you must ground your statements in reason and in a language of morality that is accessible to everyone—to people of different religions or no religion at all. In our diverse democracy, Americans need a common political discourse not dominated by exclusivist theology. They do not want to hear that unless you attend my church, accept my God and study my sacred text, you cannot be a moral person.
"We are particularly offended by the suggestion that the opposite of the Religious Right is the voice of atheism. We are appalled when "people of faith" is used in such a way that it excludes us, as well as most Jews, Catholics, and Muslims. What could be more bigoted than to claim that you have a monopoly on God and that anyone who disagrees with you is not a person of faith?
"So we ask our neighbors on the Religious Right to take note: We are religious Jews, gathered in Houston to study, pray, and commit ourselves to God. And yes, we are generally liberal in our politics. But our liberalism flows directly from our religious commitments.
"And we worry that you don’t understand what this means, or what it means for anyone to be a liberal religious believer.
"What it means is this: that we bring a measure of humility to our religious belief. We study religious texts day and night, but we have no direct lines to heaven and we aren’t always sure that we know G-d’s will.
"It means believing that religion involves concern for the poor and the needy, and giving a fair shake to all. When people talk about G-d and yet ignore justice, it just feels downright wrong to us. When they cloak themselves in religion and forget mercy, it strikes us as blasphemy.
"It means that "family values" require providing health care to every child and that G-d cares about the 12 million children without health insurance.
"It means valuing a child with diabetes over a frozen embryo in a fertility clinic, and seeing the teaching of science as a primary social good.
"And it means reserving the right for each person to prayerfully make decisions for herself about when she dies."
--Rabbi Eric Yoffe speaking at the Houston Biennial, November 19, 2005
Thank you, Lt. Leach
I read these comments earlier from Lt. Ronald Leach. He has posted them from Iraq where he his currently serving. As you may very well know, I have nothing but the greatest respect of those who have served or are serving our country right now. I'm the grandson of two veterans who have since passed away.
This is an excerpt of some of Lt. Leach's comments.
This is an excerpt of some of Lt. Leach's comments.
I, however, am not in concurrence with the opening comment’s assessment that CD 3 is "too far gone". It may take an unconventional campaign and a candidate with unique qualifications and qualities to attract the attention necessary.I hope that he is considering a run for Congress in the third congressional district of Kentucky because I think this year might very well be the year that military veterans get elected to Congress. We need a Democratic majority in the House and in the Senate.
I would suggest an atypical, non-political figure with experiences which resonate with the voters and the media. One that may garner national attention which could serve to quickly level the playing field, put Anne on the defensive early, and more importantly – bleed republican campaign coffers to ensure she has a chance to maintain what has been the most expensive congressional seat for the GOP in the region.
CD 3 needs someone not afraid that a potential loss would derail his or her well crafted political aspirations. Someone who is concerned more about the real impact of GOP continued dominance, rather than calculating the potential impact of this race on their own personal long term aspirations.
Media Advisory
Former Congressional candidate Jack Conway will be on Hot Button, aired after Meet the Press at 11 AM tomorrow.
Stay tuned after Meet The Press for WAVE 3's Hot Button. Join host Scott Reynolds and the panel, conservative Jim Milliman and liberal Jack Conway as they weigh in on some of the hot political issues making news.Correct me if I am wrong, but the way I read a 2002 campaign press release, it appears that Jack is a moderate Democrat.
One of the topics on this week's show focuses on Baron Hill's announcement that he will run for Indiana's 9th Congressional District seat that he lost last year to Mike Sodrel in a very close race.
Find out what they have to say on this and other important issues this week on Hot Button Sunday morning at 11 on WAVE 3.
Reflections on yesterday's debate...
Mainly, the post tonight will deal with yesterday's events. I watched most of it on C-SPAN last night. First, send a note to Congressman John "Jack" Murtha telling him that you support him and will not stay silent.
Brad Pitt is no Tom Harkin. Props to the Senator.
North Carolina Congressman Walter Jones is a rare breed: He's a Republican with a conscience.
What about Kentucky Congressman Geoff Davis? In the GOP Press conference on Thursday, he made the following comments:
No one is running against Congressmen Geoff Davis or Hal Rodgers. No name has come forward quite yet to run against Congresswoman Anne Northup. However, it appears that Jean Schmidt will have opposition in OH-2. Right now healthcare administrator Jim Parker and former Cincinnati Mayor Roxanne Qualls are the only names that have shown an interest. I wonder if Paul Hackett will reconsider.
Have they no shame? Bruce Springsteen got no respect the other day from the United States Senate, presumedly for campaigning with Senator John Kerry last year. We'll take care of this when we take back the Congress and the Senate.
On to other political news, Virgina Governor Mark Warner has been in New Hampshire lately.
In baseball news, the Cardinals are still interested in resigning Matt Morris.
Brad Pitt is no Tom Harkin. Props to the Senator.
North Carolina Congressman Walter Jones is a rare breed: He's a Republican with a conscience.
What about Kentucky Congressman Geoff Davis? In the GOP Press conference on Thursday, he made the following comments:
Ayman Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden's deputy, as well as Abu Musab Zarqawi, have made it quite clear in their internal propaganda that they cannot win unless they can drive the Americans out. And they know that they can't do that there, so they've brought the battlefield to the halls of Congress.Shame on you, Congressman. How dare you accuse us Democrats of being liberals. I am a moderate Democrat, or a progressive centrist. Where is OBL? Why has he not been caught yet? Have you forgotten about the events of 9/11? That's not a day I like to invoke on here but it's the reason why I am writing this. None of the attackers were from Iraq, they were from other countries. Why have we gone into Iraq? Why are we not capturing OBL? That, Congressman, should be a priority along with energy independence, a balanced budget, affordable healthcare, and many other MORAL values. New Donkey has more.
And, frankly, the liberal leadership have put politics ahead of sound, fiscal and national security policy. And what they have done is cooperated with our enemies and are emboldening our enemies.
No one is running against Congressmen Geoff Davis or Hal Rodgers. No name has come forward quite yet to run against Congresswoman Anne Northup. However, it appears that Jean Schmidt will have opposition in OH-2. Right now healthcare administrator Jim Parker and former Cincinnati Mayor Roxanne Qualls are the only names that have shown an interest. I wonder if Paul Hackett will reconsider.
Have they no shame? Bruce Springsteen got no respect the other day from the United States Senate, presumedly for campaigning with Senator John Kerry last year. We'll take care of this when we take back the Congress and the Senate.
The chamber's GOP leaders refused to bring up for consideration a resolution, introduced by Sens. Frank Lautenberg and Jon Corzine, that honored Springsteen's long career and the 1975 release of his iconic album, "Born to Run."The environment is right to take back the House, Senate, and several offices here in Kentucky.
No reason was given, said Lautenberg spokesman Alex Formuzis. "Resolutions like this pass all the time in the U.S. Senate, usually by unanimous consent," he said.
Telephone calls to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's office seeking comment were not immediately returned.
Lautenberg said he couldn't understand why anyone would object to the resolution.
"Even if the Republicans don't like (Springsteen's) tunes, I would hope they appreciated his contributions to American culture," Lautenberg said.
Corzine said he, Lautenberg and other Americans appreciated Springsteen's contributions to American culture.
"We'll never surrender looking for ways to honor our local hero who made it big in this land of hopes and dreams," Corzine said.
On to other political news, Virgina Governor Mark Warner has been in New Hampshire lately.
When someone's cell phone interrupted the event in Manchester, N.H., the former co-founder of Nextel said he didn't mind.Here is another article on Warner's visit to the Granite State. I just noticed how the Forward Together PAC blog included the links to other blogs for potential 2008 contenders.
"Where you hear an obnoxious sound, I hear ka-ching, ka-ching," Warner said in what became a running joke over the course of the luncheon.
Warner laid out a quick biography during his first visit to the first-in-the-nation primary state. Born in Indiana, his family moved several times as he was growing up.
In baseball news, the Cardinals are still interested in resigning Matt Morris.
The Cardinals dined with popular free agent A.J. Burnett earlier this week, remain in contact with the representative of pitcher Matt Morris and have put in a call to the agent of free agent reliever Octavio Dotel. More than the big money, big commitment that it will take to land Burnett, it's the Dotel interest that smacks of a Cardinals move.Apparently, the Cards are focused on pitching that they may not be interested in outfielder Brian Giles.
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